i still dont see how you thought LOG was outplayed by there support on the no fear tour.....that was one of the best shows iv seen...LOG brought down the house while ya they maybe played to much wrath but i enjoy that cd and there set list for the most part was awesome
oh i trust you on that one.....there not big fans of the setting they were in so it doesn't surprise me they weren't on there game....i would have been there if they were on a side stage
I don't really think Black Heart is an obscure Chimaira song, I mean it was off Resurrection and also is a BA intro. An obscure song would be something like Dead Inside back from their nu-metal days
It just seemed random that they would open with something like that. Not saying it's a bad song at all, but I wouldn't necessarily listen to the song and think, "They will open with this." It's like the 9th song on that particular album.
I don't remember if I mentioned this in my review...I don't remember the majority of it for some reason, and I don't want to read it again. Anyway, I swear this old guy next to me was the same old guy from ROTR two years ago. This guy was trashed and made it all the way to the barrier on the first day, and he was annoying as fuck, everyone wanted him out. Then to my surprise, he made it right next to me the very next day. I was amazed because it just seemed like it wouldn't happen. The crowd is huge, there's a divider in the middle, so many other places he could have ended up. So yet again he was trashed and annoying as fuck. Fastforward to this year, and I'm on the barrier between bands. Then this old guy comes up and starts talking to the chick next to me. This dude is already a good bit buzzed and talking about all the weed he brought...then I'm like HOLY SHIT, CONNECTION. Dude is just clutching four joints in his hand when 3 Inches of Blood comes on, and I shit you not a photographer wearing a Rock on the Range shirt walks in front of us and he shouts "HEY HEY DUDE I WAS THERE. ROCK ON THE RANGE YEEEAAAHH I WAS THERE"
When I went under the rail I thought Mike, Jay, and Chuck would follow... Only Mikey and his friend followed and I saw Jay going the opposite way, I yelled "Jay", he didn't hear me so I walked away with Mike and company.
Okay, I'm done editing this post 80 times.
I don't really think Black Heart is an obscure Chimaira song, I mean it was off Resurrection and also is a BA intro.
An obscure song would be something like Dead Inside back from their nu-metal days
"I tell you one thing which leads to another thing..."