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Detroit Michigan Mayhem.



  • MikeMike Posts: 7,820 admin
    edited August 2010
    Okay, I got a lot of pictures so I'll only post some of them. Most of them are shitty quality anyway.







    Me meeting WoP:







    Rob Zombie:





    All of my Korn pictures are really grainy, so I won't even bother posting those.
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  • GazorpazorpfieldGazorpazorpfield Posts: 22,293 master of ceremonies
    I fucking JUST got home. Goddamnit that traffic jam killed me, but it really helped me also.

    I told Dayna this, and I think Alex because he sent me some gay frog...I had by far the greatest contact buzz you can have. The guy next to me was too high. Everyone was rocking out and moving around...I look at him and he's staring blankly, tries to smoke descretely when it's dark and nobody can see, and then blankly stares again.

    Now I didn't realize until I got to the car, how much his shit hit me. I sat down in the back of the caliber, laid back and felt like I was on Cloud 9. I got almost as high as I was directly smoking. I figured it was nothing, chill for awhile and go. No, not the case. I was paranoid as a motherfucking thinking I was about to play ping pong on the expressway. Once we hit the hour long traffic jam, I was fine..after awhile I was pissed. It took 1.5 hours there and less than a quarter tank of gas. 3 hours back and half a tank of gas.

    Anyway it was great seeing you guys. Had the experience of the hill and will more than likely be back next year..unless you are directly in front, that kicks the pavilions ass.
    image Photobucket
  • NecrothulhuNecrothulhu Posts: 33,444 master of ceremonies
    I'm a picture buff so I like being up front...sometimes it blows <_>
  • GazorpazorpfieldGazorpazorpfield Posts: 22,293 master of ceremonies
    First off, the picture everyone wants.
    Nobody was perfect in either picture...Never chew gum when you are expecting to have a picture taken, or else you look like a douche like me.


    The actual picture is ginormous..If any wants me to upload the gigantic thing
    image Photobucket
  • JLRedWing13JLRedWing13 Posts: 48,747 mod
    Great show. I'll try to get a review up before I leave for Shinedown today.
    JLRedWing13's Profile PagePhotobucketimage
  • katiakatia Posts: 4,358 just the tip
    Very cute picture!!!!
    who are the two girls in the right and the two guys in the back?
  • NecrothulhuNecrothulhu Posts: 33,444 master of ceremonies
  • JLRedWing13JLRedWing13 Posts: 48,747 mod
    The ones in the picture who are not board members are friends who came to the festival with us.
    JLRedWing13's Profile PagePhotobucketimage
  • GazorpazorpfieldGazorpazorpfield Posts: 22,293 master of ceremonies
    edited August 2010
    Yes, this is essentially a giant paragraph
    Yes, there are spelling and grammatical errors
    No, I do not care.

    My day:

    Drive there, get there mega early and hang out with other Mayhemers across the street at 7/11
    One of the first people inside the parking lot, took what I thought was a good spot, but was really nothing special if I didn't beat the everyone else to my was right next to the exit damnit. Anyway Will's the first peron I meet, says he saw me and my friend sitting in our car. Comes looking for us and walks by, I honk, we make eye contact...and then he keeps walking. Finally I get his attention. Talk to him for a minute then chill in the car again. Then I have to take a major piss, only place is the wooded area. On meh way I do just about the same thing as Will, walk by as Reznorgasms and Brad try to get my attention. After making my stop, I sit with them for awhile and talk about things such as "What the fuck is Ed doing, really?" I take off from there and get in line, after awhile Mikey calls us up to where he's at. Get in line with him, see Will a little bit later, and then Drew. We get in, I go to the Silver Stage and hang out. Norma Jean was just as bad as expected. Then the vocalist spits in the crowd. That annoyed me, I though "eh maybe it's a fluke" No, he did it not once, but two more times. That pissed me off. They go off, I grab barrier for Winds of Plague. I start talking to this girl who happens to be next to me, she was there with her brother and said she was here for the party. After a couple minute I realized she was already good and smoked up, but still the interesting convo continues. During this time I also notice that the Tech Guy looks suspiciously like a certain asian member of this forum. *glares* I take a picture of him, which I'll post at the bottom. WOP play a great set, couldn't have been better with the allowed time, and I decided to stay for some 3 Inches of Blood. I keep my post on the rail and and wait for Shadows Fall to finish up. That eventually happens and 3 Inches of Blood manages to hit the stage on time after some difficulty with the sound check. I hear a couple songs, and am really into it, but the most random argument breaks out. This guy starts arguing with the guy next to me saying he's being a dick for not letting the guy in the 5 foot fucking hoverround get in front of him. I said fuck it, take my spot and bailed. Took a drink at the Rockstar tent and made my way to the Jager stage for the remainder of 3IOB. Keep in mind that every time I said "I" so far, I meant me and my newbie friend who just followed me. This was his first music "fest" and by now he's starting to get an idea what it's like. As soon as Chimaira jumps on stage, I take off and fight my way to the almost barrier. I had my left arm on it, with my right arm in a weirdly concocted place. As if my shoulder didn't already have problems, this fucked it up worse, I know I'll be sore tomorrow. Anyway my friend Justin is lost now. He basically gets sucked into the pit, his first pit. He's all grown up now. After them, I thought about keeping my spot but instead just left to buy some shit. I bought a Mayhem tittay shirt and Hatebreed tour shirt and the Chimaira CD/DVDs. I get back up for Hatebreed, and ask my friend if he wants me to hold his shit so he can get closer because he's a big Hatebreed fan, and I figured I'd give him the chance. He declined, so I gave him my bag and joined the pit. He stayed back with Mike and his friend I guess. After a few minutes in there I take off and grab my stuff and head to the Chimaira tent to get the DVD signed. Well fuck me, I thought that the line would be short because times got messed up and they were signing as Hatebreed were playing. I was wrong. And on top of that, it's a completely unorganized line that was just fucktarded. After what seems like forver, I make it up and get to talk to everyone and get the DVD signed. I told them they should play another headlining show in Toledo, and they said look for them in the Winter. I don't know if they'll stop precisely in Toledo, but I'm excited. I make it to the Rockstar tent to meet up with everyone yet again, and jaycup for the first time. Oh, speaking of which, I managed to see Ed a couple people next to me during Chimaira, but I wasn't sure if it was was. Anyway, half the group leaves for the hill, and the rest jerks off I guess. I'm like fuck this I have extra cash, I'm buying another shirt. I bought a Chimaira shirt. Go to the hill, it was like trains leaving the station at different times. Dayna, Jake and a couple others went up first. I made my way there myself and they had to track me down. Ed made his way there himself and we had to flag him down. Then the others, Mike, his friend and Justin show up. Insert group pic. We work our way down ze hill, my first time. BAJEBUZ, pavilion is shit compared to the lawn. The overall experience is 10x better. Now maybe if DTE had a pit, it would be different, but I'm still not so sure. Lamb of God comes on, and I assume the roll of one of the outside pit guys at the bottom of the hill. This is easily the hardest thing I've ever done at a show. Especially the drunk motherfuckers, and the big motherfuckers. From what I heard and headbanged to, LoG was great. I never really gave them a chance, but they sound awesome live. Next up, Rob Zombie. Now at this point I have my doubts. I just recently saw Zombie from the barrier for a headlining show. Could the lawn live that up. The answer, fucking yes. If you put on a great show, you put on a great show, that is all that matter. Zombie absolutely killed it. He was about 5 minutes late finishing. I'm like a one man show between sets, I'm still headbanging to quite music and keeping my body moving because for some reason when I'm in the show mood, I'm in the show mood. Anyway, Korn then takes forever setting up adding to a total of maybe 15 minutes lost. I'm not sure if Jonathan Davis did any talking at the other Mayhems, but he did zero at ours. At exactly 11:02, they start playing Got the Life. Curfew is 11:00. Go figure about 10 seconds into the song, BOOM, half of the sound just disappears. Show over, we gtfo. So ensues a shitty trip home, and then me writing this obnoxious thing.

    If you put a gun to my head and told me to put the top 5 bands of the day, I'd say:
    Rob Zombie
    Lamb of God

    Winds of Plague in there somewhere
    image Photobucket
  • GazorpazorpfieldGazorpazorpfield Posts: 22,293 master of ceremonies
    edited August 2010
    One of the girls came with Dayna and Brad, the other came with Drew. The kid in the Maiden shirt came with me, and the other kid came with Mike. Jakers abandoned his group
    image Photobucket
  • GazorpazorpfieldGazorpazorpfield Posts: 22,293 master of ceremonies
    I forgot this little thing
    image Photobucket
  • OPPOPP Posts: 50,132 spicy boy
    I lol'd at actually seeing Ed.
    I love winning with women
  • PrimalScream31PrimalScream31 Posts: 3,544 mod
    First off, the picture everyone wants.
    Nobody was perfect in either picture...Never chew gum when you are expecting to have a picture taken, or else you look like a douche like me.


    The actual picture is ginormous..If any wants me to upload the gigantic thing

    Ok Break it down for me. Who is where? I know what some of you guys look like but not all of you.

    photo mayhemsignature2013_zps1209e6fd.jpg I wanna slit your throat and fuck the wound.
  • NOCAPNOCAP Posts: 37,373 mod
    One of the girls came with Dayna and Brad, the other came with Drew. The kid in the Maiden shirt came with me, and the other kid came with Mike. Jakers abandoned his group
    I was like Jay where is your group? "Oh they're way back there".

  • NOCAPNOCAP Posts: 37,373 mod
    and Chuck you forgot to mention me and Jay's awesome dancing during that one terrible Korn song.

  • NOCAPNOCAP Posts: 37,373 mod
    Yeah cause I couldn't dance <_>

  • NOCAPNOCAP Posts: 37,373 mod
    Korn's set reminded me on Mastodon's just one song to the next without acknowledging the crowd.

  • MikeMike Posts: 7,820 admin
    edited August 2010
    My neck is so sore today, and I have no voice for this job interview :/

    I also have a small black eye from being punched during WoP. I guess I'll just tell the interviewer I walked into a door <_>

    Ed, you need to upload your videos of Jacob headbanging to FFDP, and of him singing Iron Maiden.
    Post edited by Mike on
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  • SantanaSantana Posts: 16,743 juggalo
    "Ed, you need to upload your videos of Jacob headbanging to FFDP, and of him singing Iron Maiden."

    Oh no....
  • JLRedWing13JLRedWing13 Posts: 48,747 mod

    I'm going to try to get the review up now.
    JLRedWing13's Profile PagePhotobucketimage
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