"I have to get something off my chest... I like the first 30 seconds of Stick Stickly by Attack Attack... it feels so wrong. "
I understand this statement. That's the only part of any song by AA that I'm remotely ok with. After that, get that shit outta here because then it gets ghey lol
This is a Celtic/Irish Pub/Rock band.
some of you may recoignize that song if you ever saw "Closer"
I understand this statement. That's the only part of any song by AA that I'm remotely ok with. After that, get that shit outta here because then it gets ghey lol
I'm sorry I forgot your name
But this is the first time I've played this game
I know I made a big mistake
I'm paying you to suck out all my faith
always makes me lawl..
I lol'ed.