I remember about a decade ago, when Joey was Touring with Ozzy and everyone on the net was Like bring Zakk bakk and shit... then Zakk and Ozzy got bakk together and everyone was like killaz... now there are certain fagz that suggest Zakk sux now and Gus G is such the shit... let me tell you Gus G hasnt even impresssed me yet... fuck Joey wa better than this Fag... Gus G aint nothing special fuck him... bring bakk the Zakk Attakk
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I read a couple of interesting things in the latest Guitar World (with Ozzy and Gus on the cover)
- Most of the riffs were done by THE PRODUCER OF THE ALBUM, Gus came in and re-tracked them
- Ozzy said he looks forward to writing the next album with Gus (so Scream is not his last)
But honestly I don't know of any guitarist that could. Aside from maybe Steve Vai or Micheal Angelo Batio
did you find one signed to sell on Ebay?
My Uncle told me when he was my age he wanted to go to the 1981 Ozzy and Def Leppard tour more than anything, but he couldn't go because he didn't have the money. I could tell how much it still bothers him today, with good reason.
I do however have a drumhead signed by Ozzy, Randy, Lee Kerslake, and Bob Daisley that I'd never think about selling. I also have a guitar pick from Randy that I bought from a fellow stagehand several years ago. Also not for sale.
John, are you making fun of me? Now I has a sad. LOL
Gus G has a cleaner delivery (although he isn't all that great either)