just saying, it's prison for gods sake, you'll get raped no matter what, did anybody here watch the newest episode of the Boondocks, it explains it all
Back in the day I spent some time in a city jail being one of maybe 3 white guys in a group of 100 black and Mexican inmates and I never got fucked with.
Everyone that goes to jail or prison doesn't get ass raped. It does happen but its not as common as the movies make it out to be.
Oh they are different with the city jail being harder. In prison you get a cell with 1-3 people. In a city jail you sleep on the floor with nothing but a blanket with holes in it and you have to shit in front of everyone.
If you are going to pull a long amount of time I'd rather go to prison than that city jail again.
The Richmond, Virginia city jail is worse than many prisons. Trust me.
at least :O
All good in the neighborhood here.
Thanks for that Mr Asshat
LOL Umm No.
In Prison you have the Bulls and the Bitches and I'm no bitch.
Everyone that goes to jail or prison doesn't get ass raped. It does happen but its not as common as the movies make it out to be.
That's not the image of prison Psicosis wants.
If you are going to pull a long amount of time I'd rather go to prison than that city jail again.
The Richmond, Virginia city jail is worse than many prisons. Trust me.