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ZmbieFlavrdCupcakesZmbieFlavrdCupcakes Posts: 32,259 jayfacer
edited June 2010 in Off Topic
i was on tumblr and i found this guys blog and he was talking about the BP oil spill
i think its interesting what he had to say

"This is so sad. Especially the ending :/

I hate conspiracy theories and sounding like a conspiracy theorist, but the more I read and hear about this oil spill, the more I believe it was an intentional act.

•BP Chief Tony Hayward sold £1.4 million of his BP shares weeks before the spill (more than the value of his £1.2 million mansion).
•Goldman Sachs sold $250 million in BP stock weeks before the spill (44% of BP’s investment).
•‘Impossible’ seems to be the answer for plugging the oil spill. We can fly men into space, build miles of underwater tunnel, man-make entire islands, clone animals, stop a meteor from hitting earth; but we can’t stop an oil leak? (and when the ‘one’ solution works, it’s suddenly ‘breaks’ from an undersea robot.)
•Considering this was “the worst oil spill in history”, the punishment for BP was nothing but a slap on the wrist.
•During the presidential debates between Obama and McCain, some sources stated that America didn’t have enough oil in the Gulf to support us for even 5 years. Now, reports say that the oil leak is spilling over 100,000 barrels of oil into the Gulf per day, and this has been going on for how many weeks with no sign of letting up in the slightest?
Now, a tropical storm is putting a halt on clean-up efforts, clean-up workers are dying and even committing suicide, and to top it off, our beaches and animals in the Gulf won’t even be accessible for who knows how long. I guess we’re all just waiting for a hurricane to dump all of the oil onto the southern states and watch everything burn to the ground from the convenience of our living rooms.

This is why politicians, politics, government, the media, and big corporations are all worthless to “the people of the state”. As long as they have money and power, nothing else is of importance.

Looking forward to the future…"


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