found this cool website that finds all the record stores that sell metal albums around where i live. It's pretty accurate so if you're looking for a record store to buy shit at you can use this. depressing how there's only about 3-4 independent record stores near me and the majority of the results were hot topic and FYE
Hot Topic
Hot Topic
hot topic
gellery of sound
Eyeconik Records & Apparel
1. End Of An Ear
2. Waterloo Records And Video
3. Cheapo Discs
4. Backspin Records(Vinyl)
4. ^If this doesn't count then Best Buy
5. Hot Topic
Philadephia Record Exchange
5.3 miles
618 South 5th Street
Philadelphia PA 19147
Phone: (215) 925-7892
Repo Records
5.4 miles
538 South Street
Philadelphia PA 19147
Phone: (215) 627-3775
Long in the Tooth
6.8 miles
2027 Sansom Street
Philadelphia PA 19103
Phone: (215) 569-1994
Might have to check these out. Only been to Repo.
Best Buy
Hot Topic
Best Buy
Best Buy
Best Buy
Hot Topic
Best Buy
Hot Topic
ouch...least got one funky record store on ass store too its located on campus of Michigan State University
That's wear I shop for records mostly.
Here's the site:
Angelos, Independant Records, Twist and Shout, and Black and Read ftw
Angelos is the best. I got a special edition Crack The Skye vinyl there for an absolute steal. They cool random shit too like cups, figurines, flags, etc. I was gonna get this Amon Amarth bobblehead set but at the time I was jobless and it was like 40-50 bucks.
Hot Topic
Zia Record Exchange<3
Hot Topic
then after that... Best buy...Rockzone Records.....Metal Devastation....