1.) A meme is born. 2.) Compounded overuse causes the meme to be burned into collective memory and distributed across the internet. 3.) The meme reaches the bottom of the internet. 4.) In some cases the meme has gone even lower and surfaced IRL. 5.) Those that gave birth to the meme are filled with regret. 6.) The meme lives on, spreading, and becoming moar and moar dumbed down for a mass audience, so that over time it bears little or no resemblance to the original. 7.) The meme is put on Snorg Tees and Facebook bumper stickers. 8.) Three to five years later it spontaneously resurfaces, makes its way to Uncyclopedia, slashdot tags, and occasionally appearing on old media where if it has told no lies throughout its lifetime it finally becomes a real meme. During the final throes of an internet meme's slow and painful death it's visited by old friends and family who, upon seeing the agony the meme is suffering simultaneously facepalm and hope the whole mess would just end already so they can clean out its room and have a place to put all the gym equipment.
Hate me
1.) A meme is born.
2.) Compounded overuse causes the meme to be burned into collective memory and distributed across the internet.
3.) The meme reaches the bottom of the internet.
4.) In some cases the meme has gone even lower and surfaced IRL.
5.) Those that gave birth to the meme are filled with regret.
6.) The meme lives on, spreading, and becoming moar and moar dumbed down for a mass audience, so that over time it bears little or no resemblance to the original.
7.) The meme is put on Snorg Tees and Facebook bumper stickers.
8.) Three to five years later it spontaneously resurfaces, makes its way to Uncyclopedia, slashdot tags, and occasionally appearing on old media where if it has told no lies throughout its lifetime it finally becomes a real meme. During the final throes of an internet meme's slow and painful death it's visited by old friends and family who, upon seeing the agony the meme is suffering simultaneously facepalm and hope the whole mess would just end already so they can clean out its room and have a place to put all the gym equipment.
it sounds good on that one
maybe its not available in my country