Let me start off by saying, and yes I know I overreact about concerts, but I swear to fucking God, this is the best show I've ever been to.
The letdown was that Septicflesh wasn't there.

It was 2 local bands, LSoD, and Behemoth.
Local bands sucked and tried WAY to hard to be evil and shit.
LSoD sucked, however, their Bassist did a Cliff Burton-esque Bass solo, which was epic as fuck.
And onto the one and only Behemoth.
Let me say, this performance made their Mayhem set look like scenecore fags attempting Death Metal. They topped themselves in every way possible.
They opened with Ov Fire And The Void, and you better believe I screamed every word, then they moved onto Demigod, and then....it happened, something that I've been wishing for soooo badly......I. CAUGHT. NERGAL'S. FUCKING. PICK.
I positioned myself so I was above everyone's head's and I screamed "FUCKING NERGAL!!!!" (I was like 2 people behind the rail.) and he looked directly at me and threw it to me. Best moment of the night. I felt so fucking victorious. My idol threw it directly at ME.
So from then on they had a perfect set, as I expected. As Above So Below was so fucking epic.
Inferno did his Drum solo, and I became a full blown homosexual for that minute it lasted lol. So amazing to see my God do a Solo live.
Then during Slaves Shall Serve, Nergal came very close to where I was standing, and once again I got higher up, and he noticed I was screaming every word and nodded to me and like smiled. Win.
At the end, during Chant For Ezkaton, Nergal spit blood on me, it got all over my arm. FUCK YEA!
And Lucifer was just epic. I didn't think much of it when I read it on the setlist that they were closing with it, but it was the perfect way to close the show. Nice and relaxing yet still heavy as fuck, and it was so fucking sinister. Nergal had on the mask that he wears in the Ov Fire And The Void video.
It was an absolute battlefield too, I loved it, many very violent pits broke out next to me, which I soon became a part of, and it was epic as fuck. And I lifted 3 people up to crowdsurf, first time I've ever done that haha.
And I think it's amazing that I've NEVER caught anything from a band, but the first thing I DO catch is from fucking NERGAL.
Bought 2 shirts. Christians To The Lions and the 2010 tour shirt.
So shitty openers, but Behemoth was so mindblowing it didn't even matter. I actually blew my voice out, I screamed every fucking song.
11/10 would be pointless for this show, it was too perfect. I wish I could repeat it so much.
/Fanboy rant.
im glad u had a nice time Errka
Haha, I lol'd in the middle of class just now. Everyone was like LOLWUT!?
I had fun
DA NA NA dododo do do dodo do