Its funny that i actually remember watching this live as it happened. This will be the only time you hear screaming girls at an Avenged Sevenfold performance
I still don't like bat country. I do however like most of that cd though it took a long time for me to accept it but that song represents the loss of a favorite band of mine back in highschool. For two years almost every time you got in my car waking the fallen would be in.
You tryin to be a hero fool? You wanna see badass mother fucker?! I'll show ya a badass!!!
...i still like avenged sevenfold..
warped tour 2003
It only further demonstrates how much they blow now.
I'm probably going to go next year, and I'm trying to figure out how it's gonna work.
There's three parts, but for some reason only part 2 was removed for copyright violation.
Heres a single song, probably the closest I will ever come to hearing a Sounding song live.