I got Korn/AIC and Maiden back to back and that's been keeping me going for quite some time now. Still trying to get time off to go to Indy and see Maiden again so hope that pans out.
Been stressed as fuck lately with work/trucking school so been hyping myself up for Maiden and Knotfest like I'm 14 again
Knotfest 2012 - The Museum Day 2 - Somerset WI
The museum was about to open up. We left the free Rockstar area after stuffing a bunch of extras into a backpack. We make our way over to the front of the mile long line. I start chatting with some of the first 10 or so people in line. They had been standing in line for hours already in the hot summer sun, and this being America and the capitalist country that it is, I offer them cold Rockstars in exchange for a spot in line behind them. Done deal. Cold drinks as currency! God Bless America baby! Smoothed it out with a couple more rockstars to the people behind us and we are in line up front 10 minutes before the exhibit opened. Clown came out (unmasked, this was right after Paul died and it was still uncommon to see their real faces, most people didn't realize who it was) and was being interviewed. I'm not in this video but I watched it get filmed as he tried to light the shit on the keg on fire.
Doors open and we go through minutes after Clowns walkthrough. Paul's mask was a tough sight. I'll spare you my version of the walk-through cuz Clown did it better and you can watch the video if you want.
Until we got to the drums on truck springs.
I spotted the little platform to stand on.
"Can I stand on that for a picture?" I yelled out "Yeah go ahead" security said
So I stepped on to it and gave the platform a tentative shake. The 3 truck springs make it pretty stiff actually. Figuring this was a once in a lifetime shot, I tell my wife to take some pics as I climbed up on top, posed for a picture, and then went 100% Clown on them, shaking them as hard as I could, thrashing around and headbanging like I was applying for the job.
Security yells out "NOT LIKE THAT!!"
I replied "It's OK, I've seen how they use them! This ain't shit!"
They were not amused.
TL;DR I'm the reason they probably won't let you stand on the drums for a picture at the Slipknot museum anymore.
Too bad we weren’t tight back then. The council bluffs show worked out so much better for me. Plus I seent lambs first show back. Wasn’t like it was even that far away lmao
Knotfest 2012 - The Museum
Day 2 - Somerset WI
The museum was about to open up. We left the free Rockstar area after stuffing a bunch of extras into a backpack. We make our way over to the front of the mile long line. I start chatting with some of the first 10 or so people in line. They had been standing in line for hours already in the hot summer sun, and this being America and the capitalist country that it is, I offer them cold Rockstars in exchange for a spot in line behind them. Done deal. Cold drinks as currency! God Bless America baby! Smoothed it out with a couple more rockstars to the people behind us and we are in line up front 10 minutes before the exhibit opened. Clown came out (unmasked, this was right after Paul died and it was still uncommon to see their real faces, most people didn't realize who it was) and was being interviewed. I'm not in this video but I watched it get filmed as he tried to light the shit on the keg on fire.
Doors open and we go through minutes after Clowns walkthrough. Paul's mask was a tough sight. I'll spare you my version of the walk-through cuz Clown did it better and you can watch the video if you want.
Until we got to the drums on truck springs.
I spotted the little platform to stand on.
"Can I stand on that for a picture?" I yelled out
"Yeah go ahead" security said
So I stepped on to it and gave the platform a tentative shake. The 3 truck springs make it pretty stiff actually. Figuring this was a once in a lifetime shot, I tell my wife to take some pics as I climbed up on top, posed for a picture, and then went 100% Clown on them, shaking them as hard as I could, thrashing around and headbanging like I was applying for the job.
Security yells out "NOT LIKE THAT!!"
I replied "It's OK, I've seen how they use them! This ain't shit!"
They were not amused.
TL;DR I'm the reason they probably won't let you stand on the drums for a picture at the Slipknot museum anymore.
Camping at Somerset >
LOG didn't have their banner for our show, but a badass lightning storm rolled in behind the stage. That shit was epic.
Plus I think we had a band or two that missed your show. Gorjira maybe?
8/9 - Summer Slaughter
8/13 - Flogging Molly
9/7 - Slipknot
9/24 - Eluveitie
10/3- Municipal Waste, Napalm Death, Voivod, Revocation, Sick Of It All