psycho have severely delayed their announcements for the 2019 fest and its starting to generate suspicions that bands are refusing to play because its at mandalay bay, which may put this upcoming years installment in jeopardy. id be fucking crushed if it got cancelled but sadly i can see it happening
Nope. Decided against it when the wife and some friends said they wanted to go. I wouldn’t have been able to be with them for food/drinks before or be on the rail during the show with them
You tryin to be a hero fool? You wanna see badass mother fucker?! I'll show ya a badass!!!
Seeing three kiwi bands on 30 December
Blindspott and Devilskin and Written by Wolves
Blindspott .....
You getting killed onstage?
Me - "Word."
>gets there at 4:30
Me - "So uh, why does the sign say say doors at 7, band at 8?"
Her - "Oh, shit. I think I remember getting an update from Ticketmaster last night. Didnt read it".
Me - So what you're saying is, we are here, 3 hours early, for Shinedown...?"
Her - "I mean, we could leave and come back if you want.".