There was a place in Dayton OH called the Attic and it was a church run venue. I guess they used to host concerts at their church and wanted a bigger space. Anyway this place was in one of those little strips with a dollar general or some shit. They had signs that said no cussing and what not. I went up there for a Winds of Plague show that had For Today on it. For Today went into their super peachy shit for about 15 minutes and the owners were eating it up. Then out comes Winds Of Plague Johnny was having none of it and called out for Today on their bullshit and the venue. Johnny went back and forth with the owners that were at the soundboard for about 10 minutes. My favorite part was him saying "how in the fuck are you going to have a god damn metal show here and not research the fucking acts? Fuck!" The owners said they would cut the show after that and johnny got the crowd to turn on them. They finished the show and I'm pretty sure the venue banned them but it didn't matter that place is closed now I believe and most shows are at Oddbodies.
You tryin to be a hero fool? You wanna see badass mother fucker?! I'll show ya a badass!!!
holy shit this sounds like the lamest place ever. it reminds me of those youth outreach how-do-you-do-fellow-kids programs. fucking lol.
Thats definitely what it is. On a huge scale....
Speaking of, I went to another show in Nashville one time that WAS at one of those youth outreach how-do-you-do-fellow-kids type places. I didnt know ahead of time, because it had some generic venue name.
That metalcore band I was helping was playing (Thresholds), two of my friend's hardcore band was playing (Now For Ruin), and a slam death metal band I'm friends with (Abated Mass of Flesh) - but they ended up cancelling their set, were playing there. Now, Now For Ruin, and Abated Mass of Flesh are Christian bands, but I didn't think anything of it.
So a friend and I went, and we're drunk. We brought a flask of rum with us and had some beers in the car in the parking lot before going in. And then we notice that the place is like all neon and black light, and its a small little place. And they have a "no alcohol" sign, and they're only selling like water and energy drinks. And they have a air hockey table, and there's a bunch of like high school looking kids there. So we're like "ok whatever..."
But then as the show started we noticed all the bands aside from Thresholds, Now For Ruin, and Abated Mass of Flesh are like jr high/high school age. They all took time to preach and pray during their sets. AND THE CROWD WAS ALL PARENTS LOOOOL.
So then we realized where we were. And we stumbled around drunk while watching our friends band, and left.
Fuck when i was in high school my mom tried setting me up with her friend's daughter. She was super goodie two shoes christian and annoying as fuck. Anyway she was going to this 3 day festival called Christ-Fest or some shit in Colorado Springs and was sending me youtube links of all the bands. Typical christian pop/soft rock.
Anyway i see on As I Lay Dying facebook page that they are playing the same fest. Now AILD isnt that heavy but for this chick it might as well be brutal death metal. I text her and tell her she HAS to watch AILD and that they're my favorite christian band. After she came back from the fest she never texted me again )
@MetalCrusades I've only been to the smallest room at rockettown for that Polyphia show, but I'm going to the large room to shoot that ABR/Protest tour.
I also just realized something about Rocketown. Do you remember a big uproar about an employee getting fired from that venue over wearing a shirt by an indie/alt rock band called Hostage Calm?
What exactly did BTBAM do to get banned, besides just not being a christian band?
The openers on the ABR tour, In Hearts Wake are not christian. 68' technically isn't either, but Josh (ex-Norma jean/the chariot) is so idk if they'll say anything.
What exactly did BTBAM do to get banned, besides just not being a christian band?
The openers on the ABR tour, In Hearts Wake are not christian. 68' technically isn't either, but Josh (ex-Norma jean/the chariot) is so idk if they'll say anything.
basically, they arent Christian. I think thats all they did lol
I've been to a handful of shows, most of which being at The End and Marathon, both are cool venues for different styles. The Meshuggah and Steve Vai shows were at Marathon, and Artificial Brain and Jesus Piece shows were a lot of fun at The End.
I still haven't been to Exirt/In, but I've seen the building. They don't really have anything coming up I'm stoked on, tbh. I did go to Cannery Ballroom and Mercury Lounge once, both were pretty nice.
I've been to a handful of shows, most of which being at The End and Marathon, both are cool venues for different styles. The Meshuggah and Steve Vai shows were at Marathon, and Artificial Brain and Jesus Piece shows were a lot of fun at The End.
I still haven't been to Exirt/In, but I've seen the building. They don't really have anything coming up I'm stoked on, tbh. I did go to Cannery Ballroom and Mercury Lounge once, both were pretty nice.
Did you ever go to shows at the Preditors arena?
yea I saw Megadeth and Iron Maiden at the Bridgestone Arena. I've seen Megadeth 3 times, and the best they sounded was at the Bridgestone.
Lol I wouldn't know what the fuck I would do if I had to go to venues like those to see a show. Good thing Detroit is a shithole that doesn't have shit like that.
finna start a black metal band just to go to Nash and burn this place down
There are a lot of black metal and doom metal bands here. Like I said Exit/In and The End book at lot of it, but there is a huge DIY scene here too. Most venues are cool. Just a couple are like that, and only the one MAJOR one like that - Rocketown.
Across Tundras, Battle Path, Brother Ares, Laser Flames of the Great Big News, Act of Impalement, Chasm of Teeth, Alraune, Vile Desecration, Loss, Yautja, Alpha, and Enfold Darkness are all from Nashville.
Good punk scene too, like Bleed The Pigs, Pissbath, and Primitive Prison.
There used to be a place north of Atlanta called The Vinyard that was a Christian outreach thing. I used to make fun of it and avoided it, but they had some sweet hardcore shows. I don't know what it is with Christians and hardcore. They had a lot of stuff that influenced the shit that's happening now. Dillinger, ATDI, Glassjaw, ETID, stuff like that all cut their teeth playing there. My brother saw a hardcore day festival thing there with Alexisonfire and Between the Buried and Me when nobody knew who either were. Anyways, I gave in and went there one time to see a friend's band open for Dillinger and The Locust. It was fucking weird. There was no smoke permitted and if you were over 21, you got X'd instead of the other way around. I guess a lot of other people had a similar sentiment about the place, because despite the lineup there was only maybe 30 people there, and they were mostly these Mormon looking kids in uniforms. Turned out that the guy that was running sound was this fuckup that I went to high school with that got locked up for trying to kill his brother. He was all tatted up and rough looking, but went on to me about the light of the lord and how beautiful life was now that he was a dad. It was fucking surreal
I can't believe Im asking this but, @MetalCrusades, do you know any local ticket scalpers/sellers here? I dun goofed and forget Sleep was playing next week and it sold out.
Speaking of, I went to another show in Nashville one time that WAS at one of those youth outreach how-do-you-do-fellow-kids type places. I didnt know ahead of time, because it had some generic venue name.
That metalcore band I was helping was playing (Thresholds), two of my friend's hardcore band was playing (Now For Ruin), and a slam death metal band I'm friends with (Abated Mass of Flesh) - but they ended up cancelling their set, were playing there. Now, Now For Ruin, and Abated Mass of Flesh are Christian bands, but I didn't think anything of it.
So a friend and I went, and we're drunk. We brought a flask of rum with us and had some beers in the car in the parking lot before going in. And then we notice that the place is like all neon and black light, and its a small little place. And they have a "no alcohol" sign, and they're only selling like water and energy drinks. And they have a air hockey table, and there's a bunch of like high school looking kids there. So we're like "ok whatever..."
But then as the show started we noticed all the bands aside from Thresholds, Now For Ruin, and Abated Mass of Flesh are like jr high/high school age. They all took time to preach and pray during their sets. AND THE CROWD WAS ALL PARENTS LOOOOL.
So then we realized where we were. And we stumbled around drunk while watching our friends band, and left.
Anyway i see on As I Lay Dying facebook page that they are playing the same fest. Now AILD isnt that heavy but for this chick it might as well be brutal death metal. I text her and tell her she HAS to watch AILD and that they're my favorite christian band. After she came back from the fest she never texted me again
I also just realized something about Rocketown. Do you remember a big uproar about an employee getting fired from that venue over wearing a shirt by an indie/alt rock band called Hostage Calm?
Im surprised they're letting Protest in, honestly. They will most likely be banned after this tour.
The openers on the ABR tour, In Hearts Wake are not christian. 68' technically isn't either, but Josh (ex-Norma jean/the chariot) is so idk if they'll say anything.
I still haven't been to Exirt/In, but I've seen the building. They don't really have anything coming up I'm stoked on, tbh. I did go to Cannery Ballroom and Mercury Lounge once, both were pretty nice.
Did you ever go to shows at the Preditors arena?
Across Tundras, Battle Path, Brother Ares, Laser Flames of the Great Big News, Act of Impalement, Chasm of Teeth, Alraune, Vile Desecration, Loss, Yautja, Alpha, and Enfold Darkness are all from Nashville.
Good punk scene too, like Bleed The Pigs, Pissbath, and Primitive Prison.