Lol yeah realized phrasing was off but I said I wanted to make 2017 about exploring different music and more underground shit and whatnot so this a pretty good opportunity.
Lol yeah realized phrasing was off but I said I wanted to make 2017 about exploring different music and more underground shit and whatnot so this a pretty good opportunity.
Just busting your balls. Thought it sounded funny )
Lol yeah realized phrasing was off but I said I wanted to make 2017 about exploring different music and more underground shit and whatnot so this a pretty good opportunity.
Just busting your balls. Thought it sounded funny )
Yeah I didn't realize how dumb that sounded until you pointed it out )
>never heard of bands
Getting there a lil late cuz work but CDF starts today!
Homewrecker kinda reminds me of Power Trip
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)