I honestly never got super into Busse Woods. I bought III first and I jammed that way more when that kind of music was making a huge impact on my life, so it holds more value to me. I'd love for them to do War Of The Mind
looks like I'm gonna see Sabbath when they go to Chicago
Which stop? I'm going to both \m/
One on the 22nd I think?
As of last night I was planning on the January 22nd one... but I didnt realize there was one September 4. Im most likely going to that one now because it works better with my school schedule.
Im going in a huge group, so we're coordinating whats going on with everybody.
Im going in a huge group, so we're coordinating whats going on with everybody.
Next show is MAYBE The Sword, Royal Thunder, and Yautja next week.
if there isn't I'm going to Nashville
next show is probably bell witch
>will get drunk at show if free ticket is received