Many buddy wade got drunk and didn't plug his phone in and then just didn't show up at the time we were supposed to meet for the last tigers game.
then a couple weekends back he got mad cause I asked him if he wanted to come watch the ufc. He said he would. Then he called me right as they were staring and asked if him and 3 other dudes could come over no
my buddy used to bail on me all the time but I also got the tickets for free.
still really shitty when someone bails last min and youre left to go solo and/or rearrange your transportation plans. only tix ive ever bought for someone were for tool.
>3 people go
Many buddy wade got drunk and didn't plug his phone in and then just didn't show up at the time we were supposed to meet for the last tigers game.
then a couple weekends back he got mad cause I asked him if he wanted to come watch the ufc. He said he would. Then he called me right as they were staring and asked if him and 3 other dudes could come over
still really shitty when someone bails last min and youre left to go solo and/or rearrange your transportation plans. only tix ive ever bought for someone were for tool.