Its true. They were talking mad shit about him before he said anything. You guys are only telling part of the story to make him look like more of an asshole because you hate Toby Keith.
Admittedly, I had some of the details wrong but I was right about who started it. The "F.U.T.K." thing came after he photo shopped them in terrorist gear, but the Dixie Chicks started it so yeah
Okay. I admit when I'm in the wrong. Maybe its not slander. But he didn't start shit with them. And omitting part of the story to make it seem like he's the cliche angry america redneck who talks shit just because you don't like him is bullshit. The argument wasn't even over Bush's presidency.
evrry hick on earth hot salty cuz Natalie said she was embarrassed to be from the same state as bush. Keith decided to make himself the poster boy for the outrage that got unleashed on them. It ruined their careers. Now the same fagz are complaining about first amendment shit because their beloved duck dynasty douchebags are facing a similar backlash
The first thing they said to piss him off was that his song "Courtesy of the Red, White, and Blue" was ignorant and made all people in country music sound like ignorant hics because he talked about getting back at terrorists for 9/11. That was the first thing they said that started it all.
And acting like Toby Keith was the only Bush supporter lol remember the U.S. re elected that monkey retard. He had plenty of idiots in music supporting him. I'm not supporting Toby Keith's decision of supporting Bush, I'm just saying I like TK's music. I don't know why I find it so unbelievable that people on MU are shitting on me for that lol
4. Gimme 8 Seconds
3. Get Got
2. I Need to Hear a Country Song
1. Bullets in a Gun
evrry hick on earth hot salty cuz Natalie said she was embarrassed to be from the same state as bush. Keith decided to make himself the poster boy for the outrage that got unleashed on them. It ruined their careers. Now the same fagz are complaining about first amendment shit because their beloved duck dynasty douchebags are facing a similar backlash