Bane w/ Code Orange Kids, Give and Rhythm Of Fear - 6/13
Deafheaven w/ Pallbearer - 6/16 Devildriver w/ Whitechapel, Revocation, Fit For An Autopsy and Rivers Of Nihil - 6/17 Eyehategod w/ Ringworm and Enabler - 6/22 Agalloch - 6/25
Fall Out Boy w/ Paramore and New Politics - 7/26 Warped Tour - 7/27 Oathbreaker - Cult Leader - 7/30
O'Brother w/ Royal Thunder - 7/31
O'Brother w/ Royal Thunder - 8/1 (maybe)
Pelican w/ Weekend Nachos, Bongripper, Mouth Of The Architect, Lord Mantis, Magrudergrind +more - 8/23 Scale The Summit w/ Erra, Reflections and Monuments - 8/16
Kings Of Leon - 9/5
ZZ Top w/ Jeff Beck - 9/10
Twenty One Pilots - 9/18 Senses Fail w/ No Bragging Rights and Knuckle Puck - 9/25
Seein them Tuesday doubt that line up will be hitting up my area again but either way I'm finally seeing Eyehategod... still a sick as fuck bill as well
ADTR isnt post hardcore. Theyre death metal faggot.
i hope u get raped with power drill u lame excuse for a troll
the wolvhammer/lord mantis show got fucking canceled. aint been this heated in a minute.
Free shows from Brave Combo, 1100 Springs, and The Killdares all coming within the next couple months. Might have to hit those up.
Raped with a power drill
) I've heard some interesting shit but this lol
Bane w/ Code Orange Kids, Give and Rhythm Of Fear - 6/13
Deafheaven w/ Pallbearer - 6/16Devildriver w/ Whitechapel, Revocation, Fit For An Autopsy and Rivers Of Nihil - 6/17
Eyehategod w/ Ringworm and Enabler - 6/22
Agalloch - 6/25
Warped Tour - 7/27
Oathbreaker - Cult Leader - 7/30
Scale The Summit w/ Erra, Reflections and Monuments - 8/16
Senses Fail w/ No Bragging Rights and Knuckle Puck - 9/25
meshuggah/BTBAM tonight
Don't you toy with my emotions bitch
thats an east coast tour if ive ever seen one
at least ive seen ehg once
Eyehategod tonight \m/
Deafheaven/Pallbearer a week from Saturday :!!
6/21 Deafheaven/Pallbearer
6/28 Alice Cooper
7/05 Agalloch
7/14 The Body/Thou
7/15 Ash Borer/Hell
7/18 Warped Tour
8/04 Power Trip/Mammoth Grinder
8/06 Summer Slaughter
8/9 Boris
8/15 Magrudergrind/YAITW
10/31 Amon Amarth/Skeletonwitch
11/21 Arch Enemy/Kreator
fuck wanna catch log again regardless of the set