The Mongoloids - 6/3 (maybe) Bane w/ Code Orange Kids, Give and Rhythm Of Fear - 6/13 Deafheaven w/ Pallbearer - 6/16 Devildriver w/ Whitechapel, Revocation, Fit For An Autopsy and Rivers Of Nihil - 6/17 Say Anything w/ The Frontbottoms and You Blew It - 6/19 (maybe) Eyehategod w/ Ringworm and Enabler - 6/22 Agalloch - 6/25
Backtrack w/ Harm's Way, Turnstile, Suburban Scum, Expire. Downpresser and Freedom - 7/7 Hundredth w/ Handguns, Counterparts and Being As An Ocean - 7/10
Fall Out Boy w/ Paramore and New Politics - 7/26 Warped Tour - 7/27
The Dirty Heads w/ Pepper and Aer - 7/31 Pelican w/ Weekend Nachos, Bongripper, Mouth Of The Architect, Lord Mantis, Magrudergrind +more - 8/23
@ShooterMcgavin make that his username.
I liked you before that...kymfs
:-?? I should be nomdfever
Seriously fuck you the r is that far away from the
Well willie plays real music so prob not your thing
Unfortunately no
Have fun
Anybody who uses the term "real music"
can't please all the people all the the time
down bls Tomm
Gojira mastodon next week
MDF - 5/22-5/25
The Mongoloids - 6/3 (maybe)Bane w/ Code Orange Kids, Give and Rhythm Of Fear - 6/13
Deafheaven w/ Pallbearer - 6/16
Devildriver w/ Whitechapel, Revocation, Fit For An Autopsy and Rivers Of Nihil - 6/17
Say Anything w/ The Frontbottoms and You Blew It - 6/19 (maybe)
Eyehategod w/ Ringworm and Enabler - 6/22
Agalloch - 6/25
Hundredth w/ Handguns, Counterparts and Being As An Ocean - 7/10
Warped Tour - 7/27
Pelican w/ Weekend Nachos, Bongripper, Mouth Of The Architect, Lord Mantis, Magrudergrind +more - 8/23
machine head/queens of the stoneage/offspring tomorrow
jerry seinfeld is here may 30th :-?