I'm just stating the irony in your last sentence. If you honestly think it's a personal thing then go ahead and think it. It's not and if it was I would have no problem telling you at all.
soon hopefully....things have been tight but im starting a new job at branns in a couple weeks so after that starts up then im down....and after i re did my ps3 i cant get it to accept my psn account log in info....i need to e-mail sony about that
i hap problems with my ps woudnt read games...i thought if i wiped the hard drive that might do something...cause it would on occasion read a game....but it did nothing....and after i wiped it now i cant log into my acount...i need to e-mail them to figure out whats going on.....i ended up haveing to take the disc drive apart and clean the lens
what i said in that argument was a fact
what she said was not
all I know is I just went 83-7 on COD. Woooooo!
Ah Rex what happened to it?