the last Diva to pose was Maria, and that was well over two years ago. They didn't start enforcing the PG rating until Linda McMahon announced her candidacy to run for Senate.
the last Diva to pose was Maria, and that was well over two years ago. They didn't start enforcing the PG rating until Linda McMahon announced her candidacy to run for Senate.
"WWE headquarters in Stamford, Connecticut is undergoing a slight renovation as an office is being built for Paul "Triple H" Levesque, who was recently promoted to an executive role within the organization.
According to a company source, the multi-time wrestling champion now officially serves as WWE Chairman Vince McMahon's creative advisor."
from listening to vaious shoots recently, essentially HHH will be the big go to guy in creative. So if something shitty happens in the booking, blame HHH
"According to, Lindsay Hayward, the 6-9, 240-pound woman given the name Aloisia for the third season of NXT, was actually dropped from the program due to erotic photos WWE officials uncovered of the giant grappler shortly after her television premiere last Tuesday."
"Several weeks ago, I was contacted by a woman who claimed that she was having or had an extra-marital affair with former WWE star Billy Gunn and TNA star Kip James. I never wanted to report it until I could get further confirmation on the story being legit or not. Since then, I have received 28 voice mails featuring an absolutely irate Billy Gunn screaming at the girl after his wife found out he was cheating.
The woman in question also has posted photos and audio recordings of her conversations with Gunn, including his reaction when his wife discovered the affair. We have all those recordings. We will be posting one or two per day here on the website over the two weeks. Stay tuned as these voice mails get VERY heated. This is a major scandal in the works. I'd check back daily for more recordings."
Read that Ballz Mahoney will b at the ROH ppv on sat in a tag match with Grizzly Redwood against Necro Butcher and Erik Stevens. Necro doesn't really do the crazy lightubes and barbed wire matches, but match should be entertaining. Most lookin forward to Hass and Benjamin reuniting as the WGTT aginst the Kings of Wrestling (who's theme song will be performed live)
NXT season 3 cast. Yes she is apparently really 6'9 and
According to a company source, the multi-time wrestling champion now officially serves as WWE Chairman Vince McMahon's creative advisor."
I think I found the pictures they were talking about here
I like the pictures of her as a blonde better but... i'd still tap that.
"Several weeks ago, I was contacted by a woman who claimed that she was having or had an extra-marital affair with former WWE star Billy Gunn and TNA star Kip James. I never wanted to report it until I could get further confirmation on the story being legit or not. Since then, I have received 28 voice mails featuring an absolutely irate Billy Gunn screaming at the girl after his wife found out he was cheating.
The woman in question also has posted photos and audio recordings of her conversations with Gunn, including his reaction when his wife discovered the affair. We have all those recordings. We will be posting one or two per day here on the website over the two weeks. Stay tuned as these voice mails get VERY heated. This is a major scandal in the works. I'd check back daily for more recordings."
That Luke Gallows was Festus, I just never made the connection. What a huge character improvement that was.
Necro doesn't really do the crazy lightubes and barbed wire matches, but match should be entertaining. Most lookin forward to Hass and Benjamin reuniting as the WGTT aginst the Kings of Wrestling (who's theme song will be performed live)