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Wrestling thread WWE & AEW



  • NOLANOLA Posts: 6,353 jayfacer
    edited June 2010
    well, the NXT Invasion angle was used at the FCW taping last night and it looks like it's here to stay and will end up being the pros aligning against the rookies when it's all set and done.

    "The NXT Invasion storyline continued at last night's WWE developmental show in Florida. The main event was scheduled to be The Miz and Daniel Bryan vs. Christian and Heath Slater - but that match never happened. The Miz's music played before the match but nobody came out. Christian came out next and talked about what happened on RAW, then called out Heath Slater. Slater talked about how everything started off fine between them - but then Christian wouldn't give him the answers so they lost the competition.

    Daniel Bryan then ran out and attacked Christian from behind. The Miz came down next and helped Christian fight off the NXT rookies. Miz grabbed a microphone and proposed that they switch partners - and instead have a Pros vs. Rookies match. Miz and Christian worked as babyfaces during the match.

    As Miz and Christian were about to hit their finishing moves on the Rookies, the rest of the NXT Season 1 Rookies rushed the ring and beat down Miz and Christian

    As we saw on RAW, the Rookies destroyed the ringside area and tore down the FCW ring - before Bryan kicked Miz in the head and Slater hit the Killswitch on Christian. The Rookies left with the Pros laid out.

    The NXT Invasion angle looks like it's here to stay. Considering the strong feedback we got here on the site and the overall buzz in the industry this week, WWE has finally gone back to basics with a captivating wrestling angle that might just keep fans tuned in this summer."
  • That_Guy_ArloThat_Guy_Arlo Posts: 14,026 master of ceremonies
    Awesome, this is keeping me entertained.
  • Its_Meh_ChewIts_Meh_Chew Posts: 7,380 just the tip
    i'm surprised no one has menionted this yet

    And more from PWInsider:

    Former WWE star Daniel Bryan (Bryan Danielson, the name we'll have to get used to calling him by again) was released today as punishment for going beyond the company's PG standards and practices during the NXT invasion angle on Monday, according to sources within the company. The belief among those I spoke to is that when Danielson choked Justin Roberts with his tie, he broke a company protocol that was put in place after the Benoit tragedy that talents were not to use ropes or objects to choke opponents.
    I am told that the final decision was made earlier today and Danielson was informed shortly before the company publicly announced it. For those who are thinking this is an angle, I am told by everyone I have spoken to that it is not, although I want to point out a number of wrestlers in the company do believe it is a work.

    For those who are wondering why the company is giving Danielson such a harsh punishment, well a former company executive is running for office, although how much of a cause and effect is there is anyone's guess. It's certainly a viable theory, since the company has been very gun shy about going outside of their PG rating.

    There's no word as to whether Danielson was aware of the protocol at the time of the angle, although the Roberts choking was one of the elements that made the end of Raw so memorable. It's interesting to note that at least on the company's channel, the incident, including the choke, are still available for viewing.

    The loss of Danielson will immediately change the future of the WWE NXT angle since he was considered the most versatile and well rounded performer of the group and would have been extremely important in carry the brunt of the in-ring work load.

    The release of Danielson does put him in an amazing position on the independent scene. How many top flight stars get signed, leave, and get released right after laying out the WWE champion?

    We'll have more on this as it develops.



    According to Dave Meltzer, the "people that needed to know" were told that Daniel Bryan (Bryan Danielson) was fired for choking ring announcer Justin Roberts with his own tie during the NXT invasion angle on RAW this past Monday.

    The shot was edited from some replays of the angle and was described as being too violent for what WWE allows on it’s programming.

    Word is that someone very important complained to WWE officials about the angle with the idea that kids who were watching may think it’s fun to choke people with their ties. It’s unknown who actually complained but it had to be someone with a lot of power.

    Bryan is being described as a scapegoat. WWE does want to bring him back to the roster once the whole thing blows over.

    Danielson was described as the type of person you would want your locker room filled with.
  • Its_Meh_ChewIts_Meh_Chew Posts: 7,380 just the tip
    this is fucking bullshit on the highest level.
  • BrianBrian Posts: 17,611 destroyer of motherfuckers
    That is absolutely retarded. It's F to E all over again.
  • NOCAPNOCAP Posts: 37,282 mod
    Wow WWE sucks so much I'm done with their bullshit.

  • That_Guy_ArloThat_Guy_Arlo Posts: 14,026 master of ceremonies
    Ughhh right when I was looking forward to this whole angle....

    Eff it.
  • MikeMike Posts: 7,820 admin
    It's been proven WWE has been gay for at least 100 years.
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  • NOLANOLA Posts: 6,353 jayfacer
    he'll be back, guaranteed.
  • Its_Meh_ChewIts_Meh_Chew Posts: 7,380 just the tip
    Saturday, June 12th, 2010
    We can now confirm that our earlier info on Triple H being responsible for the firing of Bryan Danielson is indeed correct. Our source tells us that while watching Justin Roberts being choked by his own tie Triple H’s children became frightened and burst into tears.

    Despite the incident being planned as part of the NXT rookie invasion, the sight of his children’s tears drove Triple H to action. The next day, Triple H confronted Danielson during the Smackdown! tapings and the two had to be torn away from each other. Triple H put a stop to another invasion that was planned for SD for fear of further scaring his kids and them having sleepless nights which would “ruin his weekend” in the words of our source. Triple H then told our source that he wanted Danielson out of the company as soon as possible and convinced Vince to finally terminate his contract.

    Upon being told of his release Danielson stormed out of the building in a rage and spat on Eve Torres who had the misfortune of being near Danielson when he began to rage. The general locker room feeling is that Bryan’s firing was brought about solely from Triple H. Vince was reportedly disappointed that he had to release Bryan due to his involvement with such a large angle and this release has scuppered a lot of Creative’s plans.
  • BrianBrian Posts: 17,611 destroyer of motherfuckers
    Unbelievable. Fuck Levesque and his Daddy's Little Girl privileges.
  • LiveFreeDieLiveFreeDie Posts: 8,055 destroyer of motherfuckers
    I'm really not sure I believe all that. I can think two possible scenarios:

    a. Danielson did actually get fired for choking Justin Roberts with his tie.
    b. It's all a work.

    I think their is good chance Danielson did get fired for choking Roberts but I don't believe all the extra shit about Triple H with it. If you notice I think it was Heath Slater went to choke Cena with the ring rope started to and then stopped right away. Which makes me think Cena told him not to do it, because im sure Cena is aware of all the rules.

    Maybe the NXT rookies were not aware of this and Danielson just so happened to break that rule.
    Death is not the worst of evils. You can't be down, when you're always high.
  • NOLANOLA Posts: 6,353 jayfacer
    edited June 2010
    word is that Dixies big surprise to change TNA is as followed:

    TNA will be dropping their PPVs and doing live specials on SpikeTV instead. If done right it would be an interesting and good move for the company to make, as long as Spike paid them appropriately for the shows. If TNA aired monthly three hour pure wrestling shows, it could be the thing they need to appeal to new viewers and could help them sell more house show tickets and merchandise.

    Daniel Bryan News:

    There is still a strong feeling in the wrestling industry as a whole that Bryan Danielson being fired is indeed a work and part of the NXT storyline in some shape of form. He's too big of an camaraderie to the roster to have been fired for something so foolish. With no official reason to the firing and nobody in the WWE circle knowing what's going on. It leads everybody to speculation that it is just a work.

    Triple H was cleared of rumors that he was responsible for the firing. It has since to an outside source now. Obviously the story makes no sense.

    Stay tuned.....

    I want to personally say that in noway shape or form do I believe Bryan Danielson has been fired!!!
    Post edited by NOLA on
  • MikeMike Posts: 7,820 admin
    edited June 2010
    That might be okay I guess, as long as they didn't just turn into long ass Impact episodes and only having like 4 matches per event.
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  • Its_Meh_ChewIts_Meh_Chew Posts: 7,380 just the tip
    If they could get away with airing matches full wout comercials, I'd b down for it
  • MikeMike Posts: 7,820 admin
    The only problem would be they might not be able to get away with some stuff they do on PPV on TV.
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  • Its_Meh_ChewIts_Meh_Chew Posts: 7,380 just the tip
    They do have guys bleeding bucjets on impact all the time.
  • MikeMike Posts: 7,820 admin
    I know I'm just saying, sometimes PPVs are "edgier" than TV.
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  • Its_Meh_ChewIts_Meh_Chew Posts: 7,380 just the tip
    raw in about 25 min
  • Its_Meh_ChewIts_Meh_Chew Posts: 7,380 just the tip
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