So it's confirmed that Undertaker indeed did get rushed to the hospital immediately after the match and that Vince personally accompanied him to the hospital and missed the main event.
From the way things sound, Taker called an audible once he realized his performance was a mess and asked Lesnar to finish him early. Everything makes sense now. But it's sad, really sad.
The Taker finish was the plan. He wanted Brock to break it yesterday and only about 4 people knew about the finish so it wouldn't leak like it usually happens. They kept pretty tight about it and man did they shock the world last night.
" can confirm that, following last's night historic match with Brock Lesnar, The Undertaker was immediately taken to Ochsner Medical Center. After a CT scan and other medical testing, he was diagnosed with a severe concussion and was kept overnight for further evaluation. He was discharged early Monday afternoon."
All is well
Badass night, had a perfect stream from the WWE network, a few thoughts though:
- Opening promo was awesome, loved seeing 3 legends in the ring at once. Hogan's fuck up was hilarious too.
- DB vs. HHH was fantastic
- The Shield deserved better than what they got
- The battle royal was very well done. Happy as hell to see Cesaro win it.
- Wayatt vs. Cena was good. Loved the story they told throughout the match. Wish Bray could have won though...
- Divas....*yawn*
- Final match had me hooked the entire time. Bryan was booked perfectly and it couldn't have ended better. So happy to see him on top
In case anyone is wondering WM 30 is up to watch on demand on the Network.
Rewatching the opening promo and the Taker loss right now.
What a fucking night!!
fuck I know those arnt your seats but look at all those idiots in the third that but can't see shit
Think Undertaker is done...
So it's confirmed that Undertaker indeed did get rushed to the hospital immediately after the match and that Vince personally accompanied him to the hospital and missed the main event.
From the way things sound, Taker called an audible once he realized his performance was a mess and asked Lesnar to finish him early. Everything makes sense now. But it's sad, really sad.
I figured. That finish was just awkward to me.
Yeah, I don't anybody's disputing that. But that wasn't the planned finish. No way in hell.
Save us McCool
I thought he was confirmed faggot?
I like how Brock leaner tweets 21-1 like he actually accomplished something
Yea but it's also simply a part of the character.