Just got back from a friend's house where I watched 3 of the 4 hours of the PPV. Loved what I watched!
Some bullshit happened at a sports bar that I had called twice to make sure that they would show the PPV and even though they assured me they would they had never bought the program thinking that their UFC PPV channels would work for it. Kinda frustrating but ended up working out. Missed most of the first two matches though but I'll catch them on YouTube later.
In your opinions, was this the best Mania since 22?
Rock's Intro *****
Edge/Del Rio ***1/2
Mysterio/Rhodes ***1/2
Corre vs. Show/Kane/Kofi/Marella *
CM Punk/Orton ***1/2
Lawler/Cole *
Taker/HHH ****1/2
6 Tag **
Miz/Cena ***
Rocks Outro *****
It seemed like the crowd simply just gave a shit about the Rock. That's about the only negative about him being back. He's that damn big.
yeah, there was constant f bombing. lol
Some bullshit happened at a sports bar that I had called twice to make sure that they would show the PPV and even though they assured me they would they had never bought the program thinking that their UFC PPV channels would work for it. Kinda frustrating but ended up working out. Missed most of the first two matches though but I'll catch them on YouTube later.