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New Enslaved Album in recording has begun

cannibiscorpsecannibiscorpse Posts: 5,577 salt miner
edited January 2010 in Off Topic
It’s true! They’re in the studio right now! This can only mean good things, as everything about Enslaved is awesome, save for the fact that I’m not watching them play live right this very second. But that’s not really their fault, I guess, and if they were playing live for me, they might not be working on a new album. So I guess all is forgiven.

Anyways, Enslaved are one of those black metal bands that I’m not entirely sure you can call black metal anymore, which must be why I like them so much. Their sound reaches so far beyond the parameters of the same old same old that I don’t even think they know what the same old same old is. What kind of psychedelia could they have in store for us this time? I don’t know, but me and my shrooms can’t wait to find out!

Here’s the band’s video for “Isa.” If you don’t know what album it’s from, then you must not own it, and if you don’t own it, then I’m sorry, but I can’t be friends with you until you do.

taken from


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