what some of you may not know about maverick is they removed a heartline roll because the g's were too extremem after shooting out of a tunnel at 70 mph. its a shame they couldnt get it to work.
six flags is by far my favorite. the only problem i have with the one i go to is that they changed the name and color of the medusa coaster to bizzarro, they need to change it back asap. its still probably my favorite coaster though. the big drop coasters are awesome and everything but they usually dont have any flips or anything like that, i prefer the coasters with flips, crazy turns, cork screws, etc. and whenever me, my bro, and my cousin go there we always go on the tea cup ride at least once. we manage to squeeze in 3 male adults and get that fucker spinning fast as hell. once i think we got 4 guys in there, was a tight fit. i've always wanted to go to fright fest but never got the chance.
"That's another thing I love about metal, it's so fuckin' huge yet certain people don't even know it exists." - Rob Zombie
what some of you may not know about maverick is they removed a heartline roll because the g's were too extremem after shooting out of a tunnel at 70 mph. its a shame they couldnt get it to work.
that looks like it would have been fun :[ I got a picture of me and my dad in the front row of the front cart on the Maverick
It's dumb but my crowning achievement at cedar point was being front seat very last car run for the night. That never happens unless timing is perfect
You tryin to be a hero fool? You wanna see badass mother fucker?! I'll show ya a badass!!!
Hard rock park had a led zepplin roller coaster that played one of their songs through speakers in the head rest while you rode
in before kingda ka comments i dont care that it is 30 feet taller this is better. lap bar beats harness any day
ugh. fuck winter