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My friend has some bad luck =/

NecrothulhuNecrothulhu Posts: 33,444 master of ceremonies
edited May 2010 in Off Topic
An epic story for all to read and reflect on how not-Tiffany their life is:

So my mom's boyfriend (Jim) works with my aunt's boyfriend (Perry). Perry was selling his car and Jim decided to buy it because of it's more than reasonable price tag and give it to me as a graduation gift.

The car was a 1996 Chevy Beretta. A car I know well, seeing as my first car was a 1994 Beretta and tragically totalled in an accident in August 2006. The car had a few minor problems, but my dad- a former mechanic- was most willing to fix them for free.

Anyway, since I have been without a car since 2006, I was delighted at the news that I was now going to regain my long lost sense of autonomy, especially now that I will be moving even further from home for grad school in July. Sure it's not a brand new car, but I'm familiar with it and it's solid. A to B is all I need, none of that fancy schmancy stuff like power windows. Just A to B. Everything made sense and was good. I got to drive it a few times when I got home for my brief post-finals vacation in WV.

So, Saturday I graduate and make plans to go home to WV for the night because my brother was in town from New York and return for the large ceremony on Sunday.

Sunday: I wake up to my mom yelling "TIFFANY, YOU NEED TO COME DOWN HERE". She seemed pissed so I assumed I slept in and wouldn't be able to make it to Pittsburgh in time for graduation. As I reach the bottom of the steps, I notice that it's only 7:30AM--graduation is at 1:00PM. I want an explanation.
My mom directs me to the back porch. It's pouring. She shows me the massacre that had perspired the night before. My back window is smashed in, the back seat is ripped out, and everything is soaked from the rain. There is more miscellaneous damage I can't make out from the porch. A tire iron is sitting on the top of Jim's car. The garage door is open. How did this happen? I rarely piss off anyone and never to the point of this (well...maybe, but she lives in Pittsburgh and didn't know I got a car).

The answer sat...or rather, was slumped over in my neighbor's driveway. A navy blue Dodge Durango sat parked, driver's side door wide open despite the weather, driver slumped in the seat, non responsive.

My mother calls the po-po.

Here I sit, on the morning of my college graduation, drinking coffee in sweatpants on my back porch, in the pouring rain, watching the paramedics wake up what appears to be a drunken frat boy to ask him why he destroyed my graduation present/liveline. He can barely stand. He is glad to sit down on the stretcher they bring for him...face first. They put him in the ambulance, a cop follows. The remaining po-po tell me they're taking him to the hospital for drug testing, he wasn't drunk. Cracky McCrackhead has 6 charges against him. He also has an estranged wife & kid who won't see him, a long list of former arrests, drugs on his person, and is approximately my age.

The police find the following in mr. McCrackhead's vehicle:
A football & basketball belonging to my nephew that was in my mom's garage
My water bottle that was on the floor of my car
A pack of Jim's cigarettes and an ashtray from Jim's car.
The airfreshener from Jim's car was found in Mr. McCrackhead's POCKET
Court papers (apparently he is well acquainted with the judicial system)
A registration stolen from a neighbor's car.

I skipped graduation.
My mom calls today to tell me no one's insurance is covering this, so legal action has to be taken.

I hate everything.


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