Go saints! I feel the pass iterferance call upwards the end was bs it should have been illegal contact instead and I think the catch that everyone is bitching about was a catch Vikings fans just see it the other way around cause it hurt thier team but in the end the Vikings are the only ones to blame with how many turnovers they made. And I would have liked to see favre make the superbowl again and wish the coinflip had gone the other way so he could have a chance to redeem himself. But yeah go saints in the superbowl
You tryin to be a hero fool? You wanna see badass mother fucker?! I'll show ya a badass!!!
yea, jacob's right, the vikings coulda won that game a bunch of times, but the turnovers killed them, they didnt deserve to win with all those fumbles, they blew it.
im not only saying the cdatch...also pierre thomas supposed first down when the ball wasnt too the line...it was quite obvious on replay,,,plus the pass interference call was assinine
Didn't the Vikings throw 2 interceptions and the saints didn't throw any? And deny the Vikings fumble 6 times? I don't remember so correct me if I'm wrong
All Favre had to do was throw the ball away...then we aren't talking about this...lol. First downs are incredibly hard to call, even on instant replay, the refs fuck up the spot, so that isn't new.
And I'd take Chris Johnson over Adrian Peterson any day, Johnson will have a longer career as well. The Vikings may lose their two best players next year in Favre and Pat Williams...
^^I agree with what you said totally, favre also coulda ran a few yardsa and slid to, but who knows how fucked up his knee was at the time, maybe he couldnt run. the vikings had the game won, but they blew it.
I don't remember so correct me if I'm wrong
And I'd take Chris Johnson over Adrian Peterson any day, Johnson will have a longer career as well. The Vikings may lose their two best players next year in Favre and Pat Williams...
And I'd take Chris Johnson and Steven Jackson over Peterson anyday.