drinkwine732Posts: 20,418destroyer of motherfuckers
"But it sucks that Brent is going downhill"
It's not his skill or writing that's going downhill, it's his behavior. That's the only part that bothers me. His choices are fucking things up, and they really are special.
"They're extremely overrated."
I say this to Shane all the time. One day, you'll go to the 20th anniversary of Leviathan show where they play it in it's entirety and you'll tell the kid standing next to you that you were a fan from the beginning. But you'll be a liar.
Mastodon is only one of the few bands this decade can hang its hat on. <_> Brent's behavior has been going on for a while now, so I don't see them making it to September with the current lineup...which is sad for me. =/
drinkwine732Posts: 20,418destroyer of motherfuckers
"how is mastodon massively influential "
Name me 10 of your favorite bands.
"Mastodon is only one of the few bands this decade can hang its hat on. <_> Brent's behavior has been going on for a while now, so I don't see them making it to September with the current lineup...which is sad for me. =/"
This is a big deal if you ask me. I can't really imagine a suitable replacement for Brent, and his voice is so fitting to the Crack the Skye material.
its not like i think they are the worst band ever.....but iv seen them twice and they were horrible both times.....and to me live shows are where its at
drinkwine732Posts: 20,418destroyer of motherfuckers
Best case scenario is they take a few months off and he goes to rehab. I'd love to have that lineup there for the long term, but I don't know if I see it happening.
If they can get through this tour intact, things will get a bit easier. They won't have to play every night in Europe, plus they'll be just support. Then they have that break in July....we can only hope.
Problem is he is a heavy drug user and drinker. Though he said he's done smoking crack idk <_> he will need more than a couple months of rehab =\ as long as he is better and the band stays with the same line up, I will be fine and happy.
It's not his skill or writing that's going downhill, it's his behavior. That's the only part that bothers me. His choices are fucking things up, and they really are special.
"They're extremely overrated."
I say this to Shane all the time. One day, you'll go to the 20th anniversary of Leviathan show where they play it in it's entirety and you'll tell the kid standing next to you that you were a fan from the beginning. But you'll be a liar.
Name me 10 of your favorite bands.
"Mastodon is only one of the few bands this decade can hang its hat on. <_> Brent's behavior has been going on for a while now, so I don't see them making it to September with the current lineup...which is sad for me. =/"
This is a big deal if you ask me. I can't really imagine a suitable replacement for Brent, and his voice is so fitting to the Crack the Skye material.
I could give you a list of bands that they have influenced, but you wouldn't like them either.
Brent can't be kicked out of Mastodon. He can't
Brent can't be kicked out of Mastodon. He can't
They were looking seriously concerned about him all night, and he was so fucking drunk it was ridiculous.