I dont go to bars as much as i used to but the only ones i would go to where the Pubs in downton, a punk bar & and a new wave club down in Tijuana; and some regular bars here and there that had bands a lot of times.
lol... there was this shithole down in Tijuana i would frequent too. Im talking a Lobby to hell sort of thing....
it was hot as fuck down there (it was the basement of some building)..... and every "waiter" was pushing, they served you cups with ice with your beer (because they had no fridge)... and they had 3 bathrooms; one for men, one for women, and one where people would smoke meth and/or crack. Weed we would just smoke out in the bar, they wouldn't give you shit for that.
or just Bourbon St. in general
it was hot as fuck down there (it was the basement of some building)..... and every "waiter" was pushing, they served you cups with ice with your beer (because they had no fridge)... and they had 3 bathrooms; one for men, one for women, and one where people would smoke meth and/or crack. Weed we would just smoke out in the bar, they wouldn't give you shit for that.
I know you're Idrinkwine
ill get a sadz