i have been waiting for Ozzfest to be announced, Iron Maiden to make a date close to me, Alice Cooper make a date close to me. This is what i get instead
and sorry...just my way of venting. summer concerts in my area is lacking this year. I went to a crapload of shows last summer, and this summer is just so bad. i am definately going to 2 shows this summer, Mayhem and American Carnage, with me having to travel a ways for American Carnage
It's the opposite for me. There is too many concerts I want to go to so I have to pick and choose. Mainly becase they are all within the same week and a half
You tryin to be a hero fool? You wanna see badass mother fucker?! I'll show ya a badass!!!
arguably the funniest fight scene in movie history (and hell, when i saw it at a midnight screening, people actually cheered when the first shot of the youtube video started
......gettin my hopes up for nothin...*sniffle*
gonna be sweet.
arguably the funniest fight scene in movie history (and hell, when i saw it at a midnight screening, people actually cheered when the first shot of the youtube video started