"yu smoke pot yes? Now I have no problem with it but it does happen to be illegal. Would you defend a bill that allowed for cops to pull over, pat down, and search people that "looked like" they might be pot smokers, and the punishments for those caught?"
a little late but im sorry if you dont believe this happens you need to think again. i have long hair tattoos and piercing, and i get harrassed by the police. examples, one time at a seat belt check a cop kept asking me if i had any weed on me or in the vehicle (asked me like 5 times) another time i took a buddy to get fingerprinted (charged with assault) and a cop came out of the police station and told me to hand the pot over we know you have it your buddy told us, he said for you just to hand it over. also i have been i.d.'d as a passenger in a car in which the driver was speeding, there was no suspision of drinking or drug use he just up and made me hand over my i.d, to which i complied and why did i comply because i knew i wasnt doing anything illegal, i'll let them check my i.d. and give it back to me. no harm, no foul. i have never been in trouble with the law, i graduated school with honours, i volunteer for various things that help kids and the community. so why do i get harrassed because of THE WAY I LOOK
People get harassed because of how they look everyday. That's nothing new. It's just this law kinda "promotes" it even though that's not it's intent. Just my opinion but that's how I see it.
how can anybody even FATHOM letting them be here when there ILLEGAL. do any of you comprehend that illegal means THEY ARE AGAINST THE LAW
It's "due to" not "do to"
Lesson for today is over. Please put your helmet back on and get on the short bus.
I lol'd
a little late but
im sorry if you dont believe this happens you need to think again. i have long hair tattoos and piercing, and i get harrassed by the police.
examples, one time at a seat belt check a cop kept asking me if i had any weed on me or in the vehicle (asked me like 5 times)
another time i took a buddy to get fingerprinted (charged with assault) and a cop came out of the police station and told me to hand the pot over we know you have it your buddy told us, he said for you just to hand it over.
also i have been i.d.'d as a passenger in a car in which the driver was speeding, there was no suspision of drinking or drug use he just up and made me hand over my i.d, to which i complied and why did i comply because i knew i wasnt doing anything illegal, i'll let them check my i.d. and give it back to me. no harm, no foul.
i have never been in trouble with the law, i graduated school with honours, i volunteer for various things that help kids and the community. so why do i get harrassed because of THE WAY I LOOK
I know it happens, I was asking if she felt that it's ok that it happens and if we should just accept it and not speak up about it.
"so why do i get harrassed because of THE WAY I LOOK"
That's basically what I'm asking.