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Cannibal Corpse+Maybe interesting ozzfest news (Review Added)



  • SantanaSantana Posts: 16,743 juggalo
    I know for a fact they played these in Atlanta tonight (not right order):

    Scalding Hail
    Staring Through the Eyes of the Dead
    Unleashing The Bloodthirsty
    Pounded into Dust
    Covered With Sores
    A Skull Full of Maggots
    I Will Kill You
    The Wretched Spawn
    Death Walking Terror
    Pit of Zombies
    Another song off the 1st album...couldn't understand what George said
    Priests of Sodom
    Evisceration Plague
    Make Them Suffer
    Murder Worship
    Hammered Smashed Face
    Stripped Raped and Strangled

    No I Cum Blood and I might be missing a few.
  • SantanaSantana Posts: 16,743 juggalo
    That's another setlist off metalsetlists
    kinda strange that they didn't play I cum blood and that they added some songs on there that aren't usually on their set
    If Ozzfest is only 10 dates chances are it skips denver
  • NecrothulhuNecrothulhu Posts: 33,444 master of ceremonies
    Chances are it skips a lot of places
  • JLRedWing13JLRedWing13 Posts: 48,747 mod
    A looooooot of major markets are going to get skipped. But chances are the AIC/Deftones/Mastodon tour will hit the other markets.
    JLRedWing13's Profile PagePhotobucketimage
  • NecrothulhuNecrothulhu Posts: 33,444 master of ceremonies
    True, but alot of people go to Ozzfest because it's Ozzfest and kinda like a tradition to them. A lot of people are going to get pissed off yet again for Ozzfest failing the people...whenever they decide to announce it.
  • JLRedWing13JLRedWing13 Posts: 48,747 mod
    edited April 2010
    Ozzfest has been dead to a lot of people since Freefest anyway. It will sell well wherever they choose to go, but there's plenty of other festivals now.
    JLRedWing13's Profile PagePhotobucketimage
  • balanced_void91balanced_void91 Posts: 2,782 balls deep
    heres the setlist in order, got it from

    Scalding Hail
    Unleashing the Bloodthirsty
    Savage Butchery
    The Wretched Spawn
    I Will Kill You
    The Cryptic Stench
    Pounded Into Dust
    Evisceration Plague
    Death Walking Terror
    Scattered Remains, Splattered Brains
    Pit of Zombies
    Make Them Suffer
    Priests of Sodom Pl
    Staring Through The Eyes Of The Dead
    A Skull Full of Maggots
    Hammer Smashed Face
    Stripped, Raped and Strangled
  • SantanaSantana Posts: 16,743 juggalo
    edited April 2010
    I'm going to start off by saying this was an amazing concert
    I got there early, around the time the meet and greet people were going in, so when they let us in I got right on the rail where Corpsegrinder would be standing
    But before I went in, the drummer for Skeletonwitch came out and started talking to us which was really awesome

    First band was C.O.B.C., local band, not too bad but nothing amazing 5/10

    Next was Lecherous Nocturne, felt the same way about them as I did COBC 5/10

    Diabolic was on next. They had some good riffs and solos. Plus once their set was over the band was handing out CD's so I grabbed one. Then as the singer walked by I saw a setlist on the ground so I waved at him and pointed to the setlist, he picked it up and handed it too me which was pretty cool
    I'm definitely checking out more of their stuff 7/10

    Here came the first band I was waiting for, Skeletonwitch
    Chance had so much energy on stage, it was unbelievable. He was running around everywhere and everywhere he went I kept screaming the words too him.

    Now for the amazing Cannibal Corpse
    I could not wait for them to get out on the stage and just like I thought, Corpsegrinder came out and was standing right in front of me
    The pit got really ruff so everyone was pushing on the rail lurching for Corpsegrinder
    The whole time I was headbanging and it seemed like I was head banging with him cuz he was so close to the ground
    When he wasn't windmilling and just straight up and down headbanging his hair kept hitting my head lol
    In between songs when he was talking everyone was reaching out their hands, including me and he slapped my hand which was awesome, especially cuz they're one of my favorite bands and Corpsegrinder is one of my favorite vocalists
    Everything was on key the whole set
    The only unfortunate part was how hard everyone was pushing on the rail and how hot and stuffy it got up there
    It got so hot and I was being pushed up against the rail so hard that when Pit of Zombies was over I left and gave others a chance to be in front of Corpsegrinder
    Lasted 13 songs in front of him and now I'm all bruised up lol
    amazing show and a great set
    11/10 yes I'm pulling an Erik
  • SantanaSantana Posts: 16,743 juggalo
    The setlist was the same as the one wine posted
  • GazorpazorpfieldGazorpazorpfield Posts: 22,293 master of ceremonies
    Shows how much I know.
    image Photobucket
  • NOCAPNOCAP Posts: 37,373 mod
    Wow tours are sucking cock this year.

  • SantanaSantana Posts: 16,743 juggalo
  • OPPOPP Posts: 50,132 spicy boy
    I love winning with women
  • SantanaSantana Posts: 16,743 juggalo
  • Jobe_Wan_KenobiJobe_Wan_Kenobi Posts: 19,656 moneytalker
    10 stops is waaay better than 1. Or none for that matter. Most shows I go to are anywhere from 4-6 hours of driving each way already.

    The hold-out for info has made the Ozzboards quite lulzy lately.
    Pass the god damn butter.
    ^ yes it has. they're all freaking out over there
  • NecrothulhuNecrothulhu Posts: 33,444 master of ceremonies
    Yeah...they want to know what consisted of that Ozzy interview. It's getting tense haha
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