XD The TDWP argument is getting you nowhere. And TDWP is 10x better than SlipKnoT any day of the week. Better lyrics, better riffs, better Drumming, EVERYTHING. And I actually like all of their albums rather than one with SlipKnoT.
these are actual definitions of maggot that I found, lol. Im guessing Will would be the exception?
1. A slimy disgusting child with a low IQ who constantly whines that Slipknot are the best band in the world.
2. Schoolyard maggot - Frequently seen in schools smoking round the back of the building, makes rude comments to anyone who doesn't share there opinion on the best band in the world (Slipknot) Usually miss lessons because "were hard" or "school sucks dick" Out of school the maggot will take the guise of a hobo asking passers by if they have a cigarette and/or spare change.
3. Internet maggot - These maggots are possibly the most annoying. Since they missed so much school and so many English lessons (as they were smoking there life away) the maggot is reduced to spelling "spelin" really wrong and making them look completely stupid. Most conversations with them will leave you doubting humanity. Also again if you don't think slipknot are the greatest band in the universe you will be dissed. But it will make you laugh more than upset you. "u dunt lik SliPkNot ur fuckin gay"
4. The exception - Although there aren’t many maggots like this to speak of, but some can be quite smart. These ones tend to be fans of other bands as well (disscluding rap/rock) they can spell, they don't ask for money and if you don't like Slipknot they either give a good solid debate about how slipknot are a good band, or they don't care and accept the fact that everyone has different opinions on music. Unfortunately after talking to one of these you will more than likely bump into 10 others who are stupid thus once again giving you a deep hatred of the band Slipknot, and all there goth wannabe fans.
Well when I was gay for SlipKnoT, I didn't see it, but everyone is right, nothing but angsty uncreative lyrics that look like a 12 year old wrote them littered with as many fucks as possible to look badass. That's why I like AHIG, it was superior to anything they've done in the past and more mature, ESPECIALLY in the lyrics department.
However, do you see that AT ALL with TDWP? Nope. And in fact, they write very good and intelligent lyrics with actual meaning other than being pissed off.
Will you have absolutely no room to call anyone a fag or to tell them to GTFO, you are the biggest fail on this entire forum if you ask me, you're such a poser faggot who ACTUALLY think bands like HIM and Slipknot are actually "good" and you wear flat bill hats, you are the definition of a poser, I would be very surprised if no one has tried to kick your ass at school yet, I make people like you want to cut themselves or drop out because I point out how much fail they truly they are, just look at you faggot
Flat bill hats-fag Maggot-fag HIM-fag Trip pants-fag former Juggalo-once a fag always a fag
accept the fact that you truly are a fag and you are the BIGGEST fail in this entire forum
I would still rather call myself a Maggot then someone who likes TDWP.
again I say,
good NIGHT.
1. A slimy disgusting child with a low IQ who constantly whines that Slipknot are the best band in the world.
2. Schoolyard maggot - Frequently seen in schools smoking round the back of the building, makes rude comments to anyone who doesn't share there opinion on the best band in the world (Slipknot) Usually miss lessons because "were hard" or "school sucks dick" Out of school the maggot will take the guise of a hobo asking passers by if they have a cigarette and/or spare change.
3. Internet maggot - These maggots are possibly the most annoying. Since they missed so much school and so many English lessons (as they were smoking there life away) the maggot is reduced to spelling "spelin" really wrong and making them look completely stupid. Most conversations with them will leave you doubting humanity. Also again if you don't think slipknot are the greatest band in the universe you will be dissed. But it will make you laugh more than upset you.
"u dunt lik SliPkNot ur fuckin gay"
4. The exception - Although there aren’t many maggots like this to speak of, but some can be quite smart. These ones tend to be fans of other bands as well (disscluding rap/rock) they can spell, they don't ask for money and if you don't like Slipknot they either give a good solid debate about how slipknot are a good band, or they don't care and accept the fact that everyone has different opinions on music. Unfortunately after talking to one of these you will more than likely bump into 10 others who are stupid thus once again giving you a deep hatred of the band Slipknot, and all there goth wannabe fans.
However, do you see that AT ALL with TDWP? Nope. And in fact, they write very good and intelligent lyrics with actual meaning other than being pissed off.
I still hate them. I like the ONE song by them. Don't start that.
Flat bill hats-fag
Trip pants-fag
former Juggalo-once a fag always a fag
accept the fact that you truly are a fag and you are the BIGGEST fail in this entire forum