Get really sick of your job and unknowingly create an alter-ego of yourself who is like you in every way, is free in all the ways you are not, and lead an underground revolution against corporate america.
religious pricks are trying to put Nergal away. wsid?
HoF is tonight! WSID?
I got work soon WSID?
My popcorn isn't popped enough. WSID?
I honestly need ways to make work go by quick, mind games and all, please help, WSID?
religious pricks are trying to put Nergal away. wsid?
HoF was disappointing. WSID?
will: is there any news about nergal?
Cannibal corpse tonight WSID?
Bring a bat with a nail in it to the mosh pit.
I wanna go see Alice in Chains. wsid?
My weekend is completely free. WSID?
Nikola Tesla was way cooler than Thomas Edison. WSID?
I haz a hot date tonight. WSID?
Justin bieber is on the radio, and i can't escape it. WSID?
im extremely bored with all my games should i get odst and get the reach beta or wait and buy red dead redemtion?
I want a good spot for MH at the side stage but don't particularly want to stand through Suicide Silence. WSID?
im high wsid
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
Its raining outside and im bored. wsid?
its hot wsid
blue turbins
From Those Fishes - I Fingered An Old Bitch (i got Aids on my finger)
I just made waffles and we have no syrup. WSID?