my girlfriend and i just broke up 2 days ago. she got her rebound today. its a friend of him... well, ex friend now. he has a girlfriend. i could tell her and fuck his shit up, since i still like her and stuff... or, i can just let it go. WSID?
Berto - get American crew or Paul Mitchell shampoo with tea tree in it. My head was always itchig and shit until my girl ( who is a hair stylist) got me some of that to try.
You tryin to be a hero fool? You wanna see badass mother fucker?! I'll show ya a badass!!!
my girlfriend and i just broke up 2 days ago. she got her rebound today. its a friend of him... well, ex friend now. he has a girlfriend. i could tell her and fuck his shit up, since i still like her and stuff... or, i can just let it go. WSID?
Try eating it every Sunday since before you had teeth...tell me how amazing it is then..
im trying to remember last years mayhem WSID other than watch this cool vid of CC?!
Edit: smoke weed:D
This thread is dying. WSID?
Physics is gay WSID?
I wanted pretzels but we only have chips, WSID?
I need to dustbust this room soon... but I'm lazy. WSID?
I have a little bit of weed in my car, should i smoke it tomorrow before the Dog Fashion Disco show, or save it for Amon Amarth? WSID?
I'm waiting for Encounter the Monolith to download, and I want to go to bed, but I want to listen to it right now. WSID?
I've just heard the shittiest deathcore band ever. WSID?
Should I take this chick to Iron Maiden with my friends in June? WSID?
trying to decided weather or not to go to the 1349/skeletonwitch show. WSID?
I want to go to extravaganja but quit smokin weed to pass a drug test wsid?