yes this is a real movie

And here are some of the so called "jokes" that are apparently in the movie according to cinematical
- The chest-waxing scene now includes the removal of nipples.
- The name on the infamous fake ID is now McAnalovin
- A timely To Catch A Predator joke (with a guy who looks more like Ryan Reynolds than Chris Hansen)
- Someone who looks like Dr. Phil in the trailer (even the real Mr. McGraw has standards)
- Police Officers named Beat and Yo'Ass
- Impersonators of the Verizon "hear me now" and the Dos Equis "most interesting man in the world" pitch men.
- A recreation of the naked fight scene from Borat.
- Older couples having sex on the lawn and talking about "tossing salad" and "reach-arounds"
- McAnalovin, a la Slumdog Millionaire, jumping into a pool of excrement.
- The drunk drive from Virgin includes more reckless driving (by Mircea Monroe's vagina) and extra vomit.
Cool title though.
Or how about The Day the Earth Stopped?
Major release Asylum
War of the Worlds H.G. Wells' War of the Worlds
The Exorcism of Emily Rose Exorcism: The Possession of Gail Bowers
King Kong King of the Lost World
The Hills Have Eyes Hillside Cannibals
The Da Vinci Code The Da Vinci Treasure
Pirates of the Caribbean Pirates of Treasure Island
Snakes on a Plane Snakes on a Train
When a Stranger Calls When a Killer Calls 2006
Underworld Evolution Bram Stoker's Dracula's Curse 2006
United 93 The 9/11 Commission Report 2006
Halloween Halloween Night 2006
Aliens vs. Predator: Requiem AVH: Alien vs Hunter[1][2] 2007
The Invasion Invasion of the Pod People 2007
Transformers Transmorphers[1][2] 2007
I Am Legend I Am Omega[3] 2007
Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull Allan Quatermain and the Temple of Skulls
High School Musical 3: Senior Year Sunday School Musical
Journey to the Center of the Earth Journey To The Center Of The Earth
Cloverfield Monster
Speed Racer Street Racer8
Death Race Death Racers
The Day the Earth Stood Still The Day the Earth Stopped
10 000 B.C. 100 Million BC
Terminator Salvation The Terminators
Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen Transmorphers: Fall of Man
Land of the Lost The Land That Time Forgot
2012 2012 Doomsday
Paranormal Activity Paranormal Entity
Avatar Princess of Mars
Sherlock Holmes Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's Sherlock Holmes
Piranha 3-D Mega Piranha
Prince Of Persia: The Sands of Time The 7 Adventures of Sinbad