So I went and created an account at the OG Mayhem Forum today. Went to log on there tonight and was banned already because they just don't like new members I guess. I did zero trolling on that site, and in fact just jointed today. But since I have been booted so fast, I figured I would post the link to that forum on here. Anyone who wants to create an accout to either join up there or spam the fuck out of it, be my guest. Here is the link:
Well I dunno if Up has something against us suddenly, but I'm setting the forum up so all registrations have to be approved by admins. This is only temporary.
"Most of the users there are douchebags anyways, the year 1-2 forum was far better than the new year 3-4 forums. Problem is most of the users who got those forums removed are the ones who deserted this forum. old forum had nearly no real mods, and the mods they chose abused their power banning anyone they didnt like, those mods split off the new mayhem forums and now host the unofficial mayhemforum. SO unless you want to be harrassed, banned, oppening innocent threads only to find beastiality and other bull. then stay on this crappy forum."
This guy obviously didn't follow up to what happened.
Some dude posted that on the other site.
This guy obviously didn't follow up to what happened.