How's it going? You seem cool and intelligent, I've seen you posting around here. Anyways, I'm Will, and wlcome to the forums. Please leave your valuables under your seat and exit to your right. Enjoy your stay with us.
This is insanely better. How have you guys kept it under wraps?
Haha, yeah I invited you. I kept trying to leave you comments on your official forums "wall" or whatever you wanna call it, but it would never work. So in an attempt of desperation I messaged you on your youtube account. Welcome.
How's it going? You seem cool and intelligent, I've seen you posting around here. Anyways, I'm Will, and wlcome to the forums. Please leave your valuables under your seat and exit to your right. Enjoy your stay with us.
This is Lea, formerly metalheadlmi or misssouleater8...I've been a member of these forums forever, since the first say of the original forums... and always end up staying away so long I have to reintroduce myself. But, maybe I'm back (kind of, at least) for a while again.
This is Lea, formerly metalheadlmi or misssouleater8...I've been a member of these forums forever, since the first say of the original forums... and always end up staying away so long I have to reintroduce myself. But, maybe I'm back (kind of, at least) for a while again.
Good to have you back