Waste of money. If I stay in the same county, my taxes go up because of it. It's pretty hypocritical of the local govt cuz there's a shitload of that tea party influence here. The city should've tried harder to make the area around Turner Field somewhat less of a warzone though so the Braves wouldn't be so eager to leave
Fuck man say goodbye to Max....team is gonna be good this year so unless with got mlb ready talent there is no way we grande him...I don't see any way we can sign him if he keeps pitching like this either
I'm not, I just expect him to go. He's a Boras client so he's going to get his money somewhere. I would have been uncomfortable with the 144 million extension the Tigers offered him before the season, and he's going to get more than that. So I assume he's gone unless he hurts himself. :-??
Waste of money. If I stay in the same county, my taxes go up because of it. It's pretty hypocritical of the local govt cuz there's a shitload of that tea party influence here. The city should've tried harder to make the area around Turner Field somewhat less of a warzone though so the Braves wouldn't be so eager to leave
Plus isn't the new stadium suppose to be up to 10k fewer seats?
Been like 157 games since victor took a third strike swinging....easily the hardest player to strike out in the game
Dat disagree can fuck off doe
Fuck man say goodbye to Max....team is gonna be good this year so unless with got mlb ready talent there is no way we grande him...I don't see any way we can sign him if he keeps pitching like this either
He'll get 200 million somewhere. He's not worth that much. I'm not going to worry about it.
you have been salty lately jay
I'm not, I just expect him to go. He's a Boras client so he's going to get his money somewhere. I would have been uncomfortable with the 144 million extension the Tigers offered him before the season, and he's going to get more than that. So I assume he's gone unless he hurts himself. :-??
Either way tigers look fucking gooooood this year... If smyly pitches like he did tonight look out
Hopefully they'll get rid of Coke when Hanrahan is ready.
yeah figures coke comes in and gives up the shit out =D>
Braves have gone from 17-7 to 17-13 this week
Robbie Ray with a nice debut....albeit against the Astros.
dat best record in baseball doe
Cabby is back ^:)^
I'd like to give a shout out to the royals and Astros....holla at cha boy