In other words he is in the middle of the pack, which was my point to begin with.
Didn't really consider Harper as a primary centerfielder but I guess I'd take Harper in that situation. Either way Jackson is a better defender than all of that list and when he hits the way he did last year and his rookie year he is invaluable. You can't tell me he didn't deserve to be an All-Star last season.
Austin Jackson is so fast and runs his routes so good though he makes what should be tough catches easy routine plays...idk where he'd rank as far as baseball center fielders go. I know he does everything well and has improved every year. For a guy in his early 20's who was thrown into the lead off spot his rookie year I'd say he's been a success at this level, and if you ask the Yankees today I guarantee you they would take the trade back.
Well either way the best player in baseball is clearly Austin Jackson so I'm sure that's who it was about.