I'm heartbroken. This was a complete waste of an awesome season and an awesome team. There is no excuse for leaving double digit runners on base two games in a row. This feels worse than getting swept by the phillies two years ago.
Good luck to the giants moving on.
You tryin to be a hero fool? You wanna see badass mother fucker?! I'll show ya a badass!!!
I'm heartbroken. This was a complete waste of an awesome season and an awesome team. There is no excuse for leaving double digit runners on base two games in a row. This feels worse than getting swept by the phillies two years ago.
Good luck to the giants moving on.
All joking aside I really though The Reds would of won this year..you'll be back next year And like Satan said I am a Mets fan..lol..owww the painnnnnnn..................we are about 2 to 3 years from anything that resembles the playoffs and with The way The Wilpons run shit..lol..it may be longer..SELL THE FUCKING TEAM WILPONS!!! ASSHOLES!!!!!!
I guess I'm hoping the Giants make the Series now. Fuck the Cardinals. I don't really have a big problem with the Nationals, but after all the shit I've had to hear from Philly fans the last few years, I've learned to cheer against anyone from our division
Giants I'm fine with making the world series. Other than that I'm kind of pulling for the A's. Nothing against the tigers or anyone else I just like their story and gomes.
You tryin to be a hero fool? You wanna see badass mother fucker?! I'll show ya a badass!!!
I'm heartbroken. This was a complete waste of an awesome season and an awesome team. There is no excuse for leaving double digit runners on base two games in a row. This feels worse than getting swept by the phillies two years ago.
HELL MOTHER FUCKING FUCK YEAH.....HOW ABOUT THE HORSE...and the yankees and baltimore have decimated there pitching staffs the last 2 nights.....can't wait till saturday
drinkwine732Posts: 20,418destroyer of motherfuckers
Oooooohhh no. They can't sell out this park for anything. You could walk up earlier this week and get standing room tickets day of for like 20 bucks. I nearly went, but I had a lot of work this week.
the mets haven't been shit in years
Good luck to the giants moving on.
I really though The Reds would of won this year..you'll be back next year
And like Satan said I am a Mets fan..lol..owww the painnnnnnn..................we are about 2 to 3 years from anything that resembles the playoffs and with The way The Wilpons run shit..lol..it may be longer..SELL THE FUCKING TEAM WILPONS!!! ASSHOLES!!!!!!