Is Dan Uggla playing hurt or is he really the worst player in baseball?
he's a fuckin' headcase. you can see him putting too much pressure on himself to perform. you can tell that he was successful in miami because they were usually shitty and nobody was watching them play. it's like his first all star game where he fucked up on defense. he cracks under pressure, and that contract he signed last year put a lot on him. i still don't understand why they don't put prado back on second base and move uggla out to left field
him and his buddy Brian McCann are killing my fantasy team. It's a 14 team league and I'm in second. If those two were doing anything close to what they should be doing, I would be in first. X(
there playing the sox tonight and have already lost the first 2....and we need to start winning when the white sox seems like the last 3 weeks each team has won and lost on the same day lol
at least mccann has an excuse though. he's playing with a bum shoulder
He's still having a decent year at least, but Uggla is pathetic right now, he needs to stop trying to hit home runs.
He was having an ok season until August. He has had a horrendous August doe. His Average has dropped 15 points and has 1 RBI and 0 HR's in the whole month of August. That's fucking awful.
He's the bane of the team right now. His contract is a dead weight as long as he's hitting this way. He never had much of a glove. It's no curiosity anymore why the Marlins pretty much gave him away
Well I said Pittsburgh would do their usual thing and fall off the map after the all star break. Seems I was wrong and they didn't, but they are now! A month later \:D/
You tryin to be a hero fool? You wanna see badass mother fucker?! I'll show ya a badass!!!