Hey CF, Carlos gonzolas is available to pick up. I have 16 left in salary space and have bj upton who is 12. Car go is 28 points. Should I pick him up and max my salary cap?
You tryin to be a hero fool? You wanna see badass mother fucker?! I'll show ya a badass!!!
Baha? You're crazy. This is great for the Dodgers. They have no where to go but up. Magic didn't become filthy rich because he was a basketball player. He did because of his business sense. Plus they're gonna have Stan Kasten running the day to day operations and Peter Guber is a fucking marketing genius. They have a new television deal coming worth close to $3 billion. Boom, most of that money already recouped. What's left of the Dodger fan base will buy to it. Fans who gave up years ago are all of a sudden interested again. Things will get interesting out there.
I think it was a great thing. Magic know's his baseball and will no doubt bring that team to the promise land. I loved the interview he gave to Baseball Tonight about 30min ago. He is more excited then Tebow saying excited 50 times on Monday.
You can argue all you want but they have made it an official holiday in Cincinnati have a huge parade and all kinds of shit. It's a big tradition in cincy. Sucks I can never get tickets because I don't want to spend 100 for a standing room ticket. Or buy season tickets
You tryin to be a hero fool? You wanna see badass mother fucker?! I'll show ya a badass!!!
the music and the fact the dude slammed the beer was awesome, but it was a lob from the outfielder.... my dood caught a foul ball while walking through the isle and didnt even drop his beers or miss a step.
Best thing I have seen in perfect as far as crowds go.
Last year we were sitting 2nd row just behind 3rd base. A foul ball was hit right across the front of us. Was going by so fast you could hear the ball make noise through the wind. It nailed a dude one row behind me and 7 seats to the side in te face so hard his sunglasses shattered and one of the lenses helicoptered a good 30 feet in the air. It was a big hillbilly dude that was drunk. Medic came out to help him he was like nah I'm good and went to stand up and fell over. They convinced him to get checked out. When he came back a half hour later he had laces imprinted on his forehead
You tryin to be a hero fool? You wanna see badass mother fucker?! I'll show ya a badass!!!
WakeOfAshesPosts: 21,665destroyer of motherfuckers
the music and the fact the dude slammed the beer was awesome, but it was a lob from the outfielder.... my dood caught a foul ball while walking through the isle and didnt even drop his beers or miss a step.
well yours was a better technical type of catch, where my video was the best theatrical catch. If I want to just see a good technical type of catch, I tune into sports center. But pounding the beer to get his ball was epic.
Nobody knows L.A. better than Magic Johnson.
You can argue all you want but they have made it an official holiday in Cincinnati have a huge parade and all kinds of shit. It's a big tradition in cincy. Sucks I can never get tickets because I don't want to spend 100 for a standing room ticket. Or buy season tickets
Last year we were sitting 2nd row just behind 3rd base. A foul ball was hit right across the front of us. Was going by so fast you could hear the ball make noise through the wind. It nailed a dude one row behind me and 7 seats to the side in te face so hard his sunglasses shattered and one of the lenses helicoptered a good 30 feet in the air. It was a big hillbilly dude that was drunk. Medic came out to help him he was like nah I'm good and went to stand up and fell over. They convinced him to get checked out. When he came back a half hour later he had laces imprinted on his forehead