Wow Nola you obviously never had a lesson before in your life. You would know that they are a waste of money I can and do teach myself music so I can play them kids don't need a teacher who is going to waste their money by teaching things they can find on their own. You play the instrument for you not what some guy who is still learning the guitar himself tells you.
Actually Ive taken years of lessons and found that I actually stay motivated when I took them instead of just dicking around on the internet finding tabs that are mostly wrong. Part of that is me just being lazy but lessons have greatly helped me in my pathetic excuse known as guitar playing. But my main point is that The Majority of the best guitar players in the world took years and years of lessons/ schooling. They didnt just go on ultimate guitar and youtube........
eh i used to bring my guitar to school for recording but i didnt parade it around like "look at me I play guitar, im so cool" like a lot of kids did. That is fuckin annoying. I hate the hippie kids who bring their acoustic guitars around campus now and beg for attention...
i say good job
Don't know if anyone has ever heard of this guy. He's self taught and I think he's pretty damn good.
Actually Ive taken years of lessons and found that I actually stay motivated when I took them instead of just dicking around on the internet finding tabs that are mostly wrong. Part of that is me just being lazy but lessons have greatly helped me in my pathetic excuse known as guitar playing. But my main point is that The Majority of the best guitar players in the world took years and years of lessons/ schooling. They didnt just go on ultimate guitar and youtube........
They act like gods, but all they can play is a G n C chord in 4/4.
I dont have problem with the few peeps that can actually play.