"that's no excuse, they're just a bunch of buffoons and that's all there is to it."
im just saying rage was a huge influence because of what was going on in the country and the way they wrote and preformed there music.....this is why i soooooo wish they would have been around during the bush years
If I had to chose I'd take rage over system. When I finally got to see system live it was one of the most disappointing and boring shows I have ever seen. Now to see rage live I don't know how it would be but I've seen a few bands do covers of rage songs at shows and that shit gets intense and it's not even rage playing. I can only imagine what it would be like seeing them.
You tryin to be a hero fool? You wanna see badass mother fucker?! I'll show ya a badass!!!
This thread is dumb, rage is much better than system period, and system was my favorite band for like 5 years. They are more talented in every sense of the word, but earlier soad had their own sound and were a decent band. they fell apart though as their fame rose like so many other bands....
Megadeth, Maiden, Rage, Testament, Rush. At least three of them are coming off the board this summer.....the fourth is about to tour, as I am about to show......
that's no excuse, they're just a bunch of buffoons and that's all there is to it.
me or rage?
im just saying rage was a huge influence because of what was going on in the country and the way they wrote and preformed there music.....this is why i soooooo wish they would have been around during the bush years
yeah, I saw them at Voodoo Fest last year. They were pretty good.
"me or rage?"
you and santana
the first time i heard that song i raged
Maybe a few years after the 90's but it still stands."
Absolute badass right there. lol.
FUCK YOU! I WONT DO WHAT YOU TELL ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
that's no excuse, they're just a bunch of buffoons and that's all there is to it."
As a huge Rage fan, no excuse.