If you seriously think i bought some other dude a ticket to this show you're a fucking moron. I saw her tonight, and we were talking about some shit that happened back in Nov/Dec that fucking sucked, I said that i at one point wondered where I'd be if things had gone differently/how I wanted them too at the time, to which she said "I don't know, but you wouldn't be with me", i asked her if I even was, and she said she hadn't seen or talked the other guy in almost a month, and that she considered herself to be single over the past two weeks (which would have been nice to know that before now lol). I'm not jumping gun and calling her my "girlfriend" just yet, but she's not with whoever else anymore.
Now, find something else to bicker/gossip about, done updating about this.
Technically yes, but the 3rd is for her younger sister(it's on her birthday). Show's gonna be fun.
The second I read that, I was like "Wait, technically yes?" He finally did it! Good shit. Just don't pull out any of your unopened first print Power Ranger action figures and you're in the clear my friend \m/
He is the "other dude." He was trying to make it sound sly. He meant that the old dude is out and he is kinda movin in on Allison finally. He basically worded it so everyone would ask him what the hell he was talking about lol
Thats the only thing I can interpret out of it. I just can't see any dude on earth who is trying to get with a girl buying her bf a ticket to a show with them.
FF I ever see you I'm punching you straight in the face without a word. Bet that.
If you seriously think i bought some other dude a ticket to this show you're a fucking moron. I saw her tonight, and we were talking about some shit that happened back in Nov/Dec that fucking sucked, I said that i at one point wondered where I'd be if things had gone differently/how I wanted them too at the time, to which she said "I don't know, but you wouldn't be with me", i asked her if I even was, and she said she hadn't seen or talked the other guy in almost a month, and that she considered herself to be single over the past two weeks (which would have been nice to know that before now lol). I'm not jumping gun and calling her my "girlfriend" just yet, but she's not with whoever else anymore.
Now, find something else to bicker/gossip about, done updating about this.
I don't give a shit.
facefuck are you retarded? Satan asked if you were taking your whore's bf to the show and you answered "technically yes"
Kill yourself
The second I read that, I was like "Wait, technically yes?" He finally did it! Good shit. Just don't pull out any of your unopened first print Power Ranger action figures and you're in the clear my friend \m/
You're the fucking moron. You didn't say you bought the ticket. But you made it sound like he was going.
I'm confused is the other dude going to the show with them?
yeah they are car pooling.
Would make a better spanish drama than a sitcom :-?
He is the "other dude." He was trying to make it sound sly. He meant that the old dude is out and he is kinda movin in on Allison finally. He basically worded it so everyone would ask him what the hell he was talking about lol
Sweet jesus
We already have one of those, his name is MC
We have definitely been paying too much attention to ff lately
Tell us about your woman problems 8->
what are the Vegas odds that ff makes out with this "single" chick in front of the other dude
I got 35 - 1