Paying for media nowadays blows my mind. You know you coulda got that shit for free without even getting your fat ass outta the chair right?
Yes, I'm aware I can. $7 at Wal-Mart was a pretty sweet ass deal. I buy my shit. I'm not into downloading or streaming or piracy. Fuck all of that. I buy all my CD's too knowing I can just pirate them. I like to have the case, the CD, the booklet, everything. A downloaded file isn't collectible and doesn't look nearly as awesome lined up on a shelf.
oic. that pretty much what i do. spotify everything and then merch up later. although i'll download smaller bands albums from bandcamp if i really dig it. and if it seems like it would sound good on vinyl (so pretty much doom metal) i'll get the record. cds suck though.
I'd go the vinyl route if it was cheaper.. I don't have 22.50 for a new special Ed vinyl as much as I'd like it.. Maybe one day when I have expendable income
Raid 2 blu-ray
Whirr - Sway LP pre-order
Broke ass nigga
Yes, I'm aware I can. $7 at Wal-Mart was a pretty sweet ass deal. I buy my shit. I'm not into downloading or streaming or piracy. Fuck all of that. I buy all my CD's too knowing I can just pirate them. I like to have the case, the CD, the booklet, everything. A downloaded file isn't collectible and doesn't look nearly as awesome lined up on a shelf.
Money in my wallet > a cool shelf
I support my media
I support real music by keeping big business out of ruins everything
NolaFree810 said:
and how exactly are you supporting it?
Haven't bought a cd since like rhcp californication
I see them live, buy their shirts, and promote their name
Every band? I dont buy that.
At some point now I've given them some kind of money along the way if I like them with the exception of Metallica of course lol
Plus Iy listen to Spotify/pandora now which is legal
oic. that pretty much what i do. spotify everything and then merch up later. although i'll download smaller bands albums from bandcamp if i really dig it. and if it seems like it would sound good on vinyl (so pretty much doom metal) i'll get the record. cds suck though.
I'd go the vinyl route if it was cheaper.. I don't have 22.50 for a new special Ed vinyl as much as I'd like it.. Maybe one day when I have expendable income