Rabid Death's Curse by Watain Reek of Putrefaction by Carcass Clayman by In Flames (special Japanese release, the booklet is in japanese and the album has a special track, pretty epic find I think)
Oh that's cool. I'm just not up to play with your young hip jargon and I just didn't want to turn up in my 3 piece dinner suit expecting a fabulous meal and instead you're slapping me across the face and yelling "in my butt gnoneshoez...in my butt!!"
Rabid Death's Curse by Watain
Reek of Putrefaction by Carcass
Clayman by In Flames (special Japanese release, the booklet is in japanese and the album has a special track, pretty epic find I think)
iPhone 5
Rubios burrito
Cute greeting card combo that I sent out to Bianca
The Hobbit on DVD
Go Braves <:-P
Is that like a young hip 'Murican term for rampant animal sex involving hair pulling, biting and name calling? :-?
I'm just not up to play with your young hip jargon and I just didn't want to turn up in my 3 piece dinner suit expecting a fabulous meal and instead you're slapping me across the face and yelling "in my butt gnoneshoez...in my butt!!"
World of Goo
all on Steam
Doctor Who shirt for ma shawty