obv everyone is different.. i dont see what that has to do with me thinking your decision is dumb... jason likes to drink paint.."oh well ya know everyone is different" dont judge him..
whatever dood i made a very sensible post that you dont want to address so im not gonna run around in circles over it.. bacon is not overly good for you but like everything else good in life its ok to enjoy it in moderation.. i think abstaining from good things when unnecessary is dumb.. take it or leave it
You did not make a sensible post you're saying that despite me choosing to cut out meat to better myself it was dumb and started judging me over it. You're the only one that seems to give a shit and I don't get it. You're all about people doing what makes them happy so its cool if someone wants to do various drugs or drink til they can't walk but god forbid someone wants to live their live not eating something most people eat that's the ultimate sin for some reason to you. You want to talk dumb that's what is fucking dumb. Go back to living your life with nothing the way you want to and ill live my life happy and healthy the way I want to.
You tryin to be a hero fool? You wanna see badass mother fucker?! I'll show ya a badass!!!
dood if it makes you happy then fine go for it.. i still think its dumb tho idk what you want me to say...i aint sayin to eat like a pig im jusayyin you can be healthy AND eat bacon..
Nola aren't you the really picky one who doesnt eat regular shit like burgers and any kind of vegetables or some shit like that? Yeah, youre really the kind of person I wanna take diet advice from.
I've seen those videos before. I still eat meat. I don't agree with a lot of the ways these animals are killed but I don't decide how that's done. And I mean really, me boycotting meat isn't going to stop them from being slaughtered the way they are. It's going to take a lot to stop that
ive always hated the arguemnet " well im not going to change anything so mine as well keep doing something i know isnt the right thing" you gotta stand up for shit you believe in.. but in this instance i dont see the big difference in a lion ripping apart a live zebra and the way our food is prepared..
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i want you to watch the animal you are about to eat being killed
in front of you
then eat it